Friday, July 12, 2024

Sababa Fest Where Thousands of Former Chassidim Gathered to Have a Great Time




  1. Happy that you got your dig in against the Charedim that you detest? What does this accomplish besides sparking the yetzer horah in additional fragile souls who didn’t previously know about these sinful get togethers & who are now tempted to join the party?

  2. 8:34
    I don't "detest" Chareidim. I am simply pointing out that they are living in a cave under a rock, and not realizing that they are losing tens of thousands because of their detachment and disconnect to the rest of the Jewish people. This Sababa-fest is a drop of the bucket on what is really going on, Chareidim better deal with their lying propaganda and hypocrisy, because they are not fooling their children who see thru their crap! I will keep posting these because of people like you who are degrading Daati Leumi people and believing that they are immune to what is really going on.The Gedoilim with their "not-negotiating with Zionists" position are not in touch with reality and it will come to bite them in their backs very very soon. They are like horses with blinders on. Their way is not sustainable and is collapsing like a cardboard box!

    1. Extremely well put. Thanks for your clarity, DIN.

  3. 8:34
    The more comments from you and your sick ilk degrading Daati-Leumi the more I will expose the depraved Chareidim who are lying to themselves and others that their way is the Torah true way. there are 70 ways to Torah and the Chareidie way is only one! The Daati Leumi way is proving to be the one that will sustain the Jewish people! They have it right!

  4. Just an fyi I haven’t personally gone to sababa but I have friends that have gone here and all the food is fully kosher, they had davening, and there is no public chilul shabbos allowed. There are some OTD people there but there also many people that are more on the creative side of orthodoxy. Clearly the event goes by ultra modern orthodox standards, but it still would be considered orthodox.
    It’s not an event specifically geared towards OTD.

  5. Proudly out of touchJuly 14, 2024 at 8:52 AM

    Before getting to "The DIN Challenge" I will take you to task that someone was asking for an explanation here why you are dangling tayvos in front of the yirah-deficient. You launched into a related metaphor packed rant with Ferds & cardboard but did not answer the question. You skirted the actual question because you don't have a legit hitztadkus. You could have bashed away at the black hat "ilk" without giving the address for additional baalei tayva to be nichshol. You didn't. And now we are treated to all this beating around bush de facto justification.

    When I recently pointed to some depraved Dati Leumi, ie Aharon Bina

    Moti Elon & Shlomo Aviner, you erupted in disbelief that there are many more where they came from. You also threatened to start naming some hereunto unexposed Chassidishe menuvolim. Be my guest. You are dead wrong to think that anyone viewing Moderner as missing the boat is automatically covering up for heimishe pervs. You are doing a public service by exposing pervs. Why the heck did you wait until someone ruffled your feathers over some Tzioni 'sacred cows'?

    Vicky's website sunsetted before she could cover all the scum.

    What about Ezra Sheinberg?

    What about Stevie Riskin protecting George Finkelstein, Rick Andron & likely others?

    Golly gee, the whole friggin Takana Forum are a bunch of phonies protecting Moti Elon.

    What about Macy Gordon (last giving shiurim for OU Israel)? And by extension that uber-phony Shmuel Goldin (now in Israel), who sounded an awful lot like you! He mouthed off for years that "only Charedim cover up for molesters, not the Modern Orthodox". Then when it emerges that just about the whole apparatus from Stormin' Norman Lamm & on down is using every dirty trick to protect the sex fiends & the brand, Goldin boy is maintaining radio silence. The idyot even stopped publicly kvetching about his other favorite peeve of Charedi Slabodka punishing his zaydie for reading Moby Dick. Kemiktzas shem hasefer kein hu.

    Because Aiken's website cataloging 1000 molester-rapists was taken offline I can't be specific about many more Dati Leumi perverts because I don't remember all the names but they sure are out there. One of them was a macher in Gush Katif before the place was evacuated.

    There are also a bunch who were on 'shlichut' in the Diaspora like Avichai Zehavi

    & Uzi Rivlin

  6. Dati Leumi is a big failure here, both in Israel and North America.
    In Israel - consider all the missed opportunities to catch Chareidim who are on the way out but not because of religious issues. There should be DL equivalents of Chabad Houses outside every Chareidi neighbourhood with the message - you can stay Torah-observant but be happy.
    In America - consider that 50 years ago the religious population was 10% of the total. Today it's 10% of the total. Yet with all the religious families having 5-10 children and the 70% intermarriage rate amongst the non-religious, it should be 50% by now. Again, where are the YU equivalents of Chabad Houses everywhere to catch these people and keep them in the fold?

  7. Hiller & Perlstein had better not get away with this massive scam they just tried pulling on the many hundreds of Camp Malka mishpochos. They are mad that they were exposed on the internet causing several parents to run up to the Poconos to rescue the meydelach, take pictures & rightfully call the cops, so Hiller is hiding, Perlstein is using Yeshiva World to circulate an angry rant to scaremonger about "LH" & they have gotten to WhatsApp forum owners to censor comments.

    There was a massive response by police who brought along fire inspectors, building inspectors & health inspectors. Hiller is not just afraid of angry parents but also getting arrested for child abuse & neglect. He already knows the inside of a jail which mamash terrifies him.

    How dare they dupe everyone! No food, No drinking water, no toilets, no showers, no beds, no air conditioning in a dangerous heat wave & even losing the girls' luggage!

  8. Zehavi was far from the only one destroying the kids at modern orthodox Shaarei Shomayim Toronto. They also had big problems from 2 convicted choir directors & allegedly a bar mitzvah melamed. Backing up to the shul parking lot was the Tosher cheder where the animals working there beat the kids black & blue.

  9. You don't know the half of it with Hiller. He is a mesarev who ignored the beis din. The Shulchan Aruch poskens we are required to publicize against him. The judge also threatened to jail him a 2nd time if he pulls anymore stunts like suing the Bais Yaakov from another court or barging into the office to bark orders at the staff when he is banned from the premises.

    This Hiller video says a lot but is not as eyepopping as the one that the heimishe fixers got a major news network to remove from their website. In that one he was rolling around in the filthy dirt - in zein langeh reckel - outside the court building. When reporters asked his attorney for an explanation he said "the rabbi is having a very hard time coming to grips with the fact that he is going to prison"(!)

    He further didn't pay the contractors who built the Bais Yaakov, pocketed the money, after a Lawrence gvir gave him $10 million to cover the costs. He also swindled Banco Popular out of the mortgage loan.

    There is also a government website about him getting in trouble in Upstate NY for pumping the camp sewage on to his neighbor. What a role model for our Yiddishe maydelach!

    And are any of his sons involved in the camp? Newspaper reports have the details on one of them arrested for shoplifting at the 5 Towns Costco AND AGAIN at the Walmart!

  10. I actually know the organizers from this event.You don't gotta be an hasidic drop out to be a part of the festival, there are all types of yidden there, it's all about peace and love
