Friday, July 12, 2024

Pro-Hamas Goy Anti-Israel Dresses as Chareidie Eats McDonalds Hamburger

 A pro-Hamas protester dressed as an Orthodox Jew was spotted near Washington DC  eating at a McDonald’s restaurant. Making the scene more disturbing and bizarre, the man was wearing full “ultra-orthodox” garb, including a large velvet kippah and some sort of tallis (shawl) over his shirt. He appeared to have a Palestinian flag as well.

According to the Twitter account that published the photos, the man was taking a break from a nearby anti-Israel protest on Wednesday.

Although the man was a non-Jew, this is an extremely significant story, as it underscores the fact that non-Jews and irreligious Jews are posing as ‘Charedi’ anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protesters, attempting to shed negative light on Orthodox Jews.

It is possible that these actors are being paid to dress up like Jews, or perhaps they are simply trying to stir up trouble. Either way, they are creating a threat to both religious and non-religious Jews, making it appear that religious Jews oppose the existence of Israel.

The reality is, that religious Jews across the spectrum are united in their support of Israel and condemnation of terror. Anyone who claims to be “religious”, yet protests in favor of Hamas and against the Israeli government, is actually a self-hating Jew.

In November, antisemite Candace Owens invoked a group of supposedly ultra-orthodox Jews to bolster her argument that being anti-Israel does not necessarily mean someone is an antisemite.

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