Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Moetzis Gedoilei Issue a Bizaare "Kol Korah" Showing its Total Disconnection to Reality


Chazal (סוטה דף מט) predicted this lunacy 2,000 years ago "פני הדור כפני הכלב " that in times of Moshiach the leaders of Klall Yisrael will be like dogs! 
Notice an unchained dog run in front of its master but when it reaches a corner, it will look back to see if its master  will turn the corner or continue going forward, when it notices the master turn the corner, it will then run in front again, so too the leaders instead of leading look back to see what the crowds want and will then lead according to the polls. Since nowadays Chareidim would prefer that Daati Leumi and Chilonim give their lives protecting OUR country while they sit back and watch, the leaders follow by their example.

Now only is this Kol Korah misleading it is an outrageous lie! 

They write: 

"Now, we come to matters pertaining to our present time, as in this generation numerous troubles and severe decrees have arisen against the Am Hashem in general and specifically targeting the Torah and its scholars, and the young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. Policy-makers, with malicious intent, aim to disrupt the sanctity of Torah scholars, requiring the students of our holy yeshivos to abandon their study benches in the beis medrash and enlist in the military. They scheme with various tricks, and their hand is still outstretched, poised to persist. Moreover, decrees are being issued against young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. All of this is reminiscent of the decree of burning the Torah."

Excuse me!!!! The "Policy Makers" have "malicious intent," and aim to disrupt the sanctity of Torah Scholars?"
So in other words, only daati Leumi bochrim and  chiilonim should give their lives for OUR country? How sick and perverted is this? 
For Heaven's Sake, we are at war!! 
What "malicious intent?" Asking all to contribute to the war effort is "malicious?"
"Disrupt the sanctity of Torah Scholars?' Liars!!!

I'm old enough to remember that just a few months ago there were elections for Mayor in Beit Shemesh and the Gedoilei Hador paskened that Yeshivas should disrupt their Torah learning and come out to vote, they closed entire Yeshivois in Bnei Brak to transport those living in Beit Shemesh in Buses to Beit Shemesh to vote, this took an entire day! 
Soldiers are dying and I haven't seen one Kol Korah calling for any fasts to daven on behalf of our heroes fighting in Gaza and up North!

Another question:
There are tens of thousands of Shoimre Torah Umitzvois in Daati Leumi Moisdois who learn and serve! They also have Gedoilim! Why aren't they saying that the Government has malicious intent? What makes a Litvak Gadol a bigger Gadol than a Daatie Leumi Gadol??
The Moetzes totally ignore them. Rabbi Brudney in an article in Mishpacha Magazine last week, made a statement about the 1.2 million Chareidim totally ignoring the over a million Shoimrei Torah Umitzvois Daati Leumi community as if they don't exist. And there is good reason why he ignores them because the ideology of Daati Community with their Gedoilim is a direct threat to those who call themselves Chareidim! 
The Daati Community has sacrificed the best in this war in Gaza! Many have been killed. 
The Moetzes is totally disconnected from its own followers! 

The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America has released a Kol Korei emphasizing the significance of the Erev Shabbos of the week of Parshas Chukas, which has been established for generations as a day of fasting due to historical calamities.

In light of the numerous challenges facing Klal Yisroel today, the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah is calling upon all kehillos to designate this Friday as a yom tefillah, with specific chapters of Tehillim to be recited.

The full Kol Korei, and a free translation, can be found below, or by clicking here.

May our tefillos be accepted favorably and may the zechus haTorah protect us.


(Free translation)

Tuesday morning, Parshas Chukas, 5784

The Magein Avrohom writes in siman 580 (s”k 9, as brought in the Mishnah Berurah, s”k 15), citing the Sefer Tanya Rabbosi (by Rabbeinu Yechiel HaRofei of Rome), that the Friday of the week of Parshas Chukas was established for generations as a day of fasting due to the calamities that occurred on that day. The Tanya Rabbosi states: “Regarding the burning of the Torah, we have written this as a memorial for what happened in our times due to our numerous sins, which caused this, and the Toras Elokeinu was burned in the year 5002 from the creation of the world, on the Friday of the week of the parsha of Zos Chukas HaTorah, about twenty-four wagons filled with sifrei Talmud, halachos, and aggados were burned in France, etc., and we heard from the rabbonim who were there that they performed a she’ailas chalom to determine if this was a decree from the Creator, and they were answered: Veda gezeiras Oraysa – This is a decree from the Torah,’ meaning that on the Friday of ‘Zos Chukas HaTorah’ is the decree. From that day onward, individuals took upon themselves to fast on this day every year on the Friday of the parsha of ‘Zos Chukas HaTorah.’”

The Magein Avrohom adds that besides the burning of the Talmud, great troubles have occurred on this day over the generations, leading to the destruction of entire Jewish communities, R”l.

Now, we come to matters pertaining to our present time, as in this generation numerous troubles and severe decrees have arisen against the Am Hashem in general and specifically targeting the Torah and its scholars, and the young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. Policy-makers, with malicious intent, aim to disrupt the sanctity of Torah scholars, requiring the students of our holy yeshivos to abandon their study benches in the beis medrash and enlist in the military. They scheme with various tricks, and their hand is still outstretched, poised to persist. Moreover, decrees are being issued against young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. All of this is reminiscent of the decree of burning the Torah.

In such a time of terrible concealment of Hashem’s Presence, our enemies have lifted their heads, and our adversaries and accusers are exulting over us, saying, “Pursue them and capture them, for there is no one to save them,” Heaven forbid. Woe to the ears that hear daily of our brethren falling as casualties, being killed and captured, Heaven forbid, and there is no day whose curse is not greater than the previous one. Upon whom can we rely? Only upon our Father in Heaven.

Therefore, at this time, a time of distress for Yaakov, it is our duty to follow the practice of our ancestors, to uphold the voice of Yaakov, and to increase our prayers and supplications before the Master of Mercy. For when Klal Yisroel looks upwards and subjugates their hearts to our Father in Heaven, no weapon formed against us shall succeed.

Hence, we call upon all holy congregations of Klal Yisroel to designate this Friday of the week of Parshas Chukas as a day of great and bitter outcry regarding this decree of the Torah, to raise our voices to Heaven against the defiant hands lifted against the Toras Moshe. This day, established centuries ago by our forefathers as a fast day for severe decrees against the Torah and for harsh events that occurred to the Am HaTorah on this day, is auspicious for seeking mercy for these matters that are akin to the event [for which this day was initially established].

We therefore earnestly request that in all communities of Klal Yisroel, in shuls and botei medrashos, in Talmudei Torah and schools, in all retreats and camps, every place according to its custom, all should gather together this Friday, the week of Parshas Chukas, to awaken Divine mercy by publicly reciting specific chapters of Tehillim: 13, 79, 80, 121, 130 and 142.

We add that since this day is designated by halachic authorities for fasting by select individuals, those who wish to accept a partial fast, as explained in Shulchan Aruch siman 562, will be blessed, and the merit of the many depends on them.

May Hashem help us for the sake of His glorious Name, and may His mercy be aroused for the remnant of His people, to annul all harsh decrees against us. May our supplications be accepted favorably, and may the merit of the many and the merit of the Torah protect us, saving us from all distress and hardship, and all wickedness will vanish like smoke. Soon, may we hear and be comforted with good tidings and consolation. Amein, so may it be His will.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America


  1. Maybe not from Satmar, but there is a lot of Charedi Tehillim leinen on behalf of the shvuyim & soldiers.

    Exactly how many Moderner-Leumi rabbonim are on the madraigeh in lernen of the Charedishe? Who do you think you are kidding? You sound like the bulvan David Hartman, koifer vos er iz, who fraudulently fundraised one year for his "yeshiva" touted as going produce "talmidei chochomim" who "will wipe the floor with Lakewood". Hartman then went into hiding & didn't re-emerge until decades later, hoping that by then no one would remember what a con artist he is who manipulated Conservative temple crowds with that nonsense.

    DIN, you have a lot of good ideas overall, but your Tzahal enlistment binge is not one of them. Why can't you respect that there is no platform in IDF to shield Charedim from devorim assurim? And practically speaking, why would you want anyone in the fight who doesn't want to be there, including Peleg crazies who will be in gantzen mutinous? Military experts recognize this but the sinah for Charedim overcomes all logic.




    DIN, dee herrst?

  5. Ben Tayreh
    You write:
    "Exactly how many Moderner-Leumi rabbonim are on the madraigeh in lernen of the Charedishe?'

    First of all I'll take any YU learner over any Chareidie Lerner in every respect. You are obviously out of the loop and are disconnected. I learn in a kollel with over 90% Chareidishe Avreichim, there are 10% of Dati Leumi guys there, the Daati Leumi Guys wipe the floors with them, just one example!

    Second of all, why are you calling rabbonim of the Daati- Leumi "modern?" In what way are they "modern?" because they don't wear long underwear? Because they wear Kippa Serugah? Because they don't have their breakfast eggs baked in their beards? In what way are the "modern?" I don't get it? Are you guys so naive and stupid?
    I don't know who Hartman is and never heard of him.
    You further write:
    "Why can't you respect that there is no platform in IDF to shield Charedim from devorim assurim?"
    First of all this is a complete lie from the Chareidie Gedoilim Liars!
    The Dati-Leumi Soldiers are completely Shoimrei Torah Umitzvois and are have their own units. Second of all why don't you learn some halachos that discuss war? Why don't you open a Tanach and see what the Soldiers from Yehoshua ate? Hmmmm?
    One "matara" I have with this blog that I am going to put to rest once and for all the lies of Chareidie Leaders, they don't have a monopoly on the Torah we all stood at Har Sinai even the Dati Leumi Rabbanim!

  6. >Exactly how many Moderner-Leumi rabbonim are on the madraigeh in lernen of the Charedishe?

    Way more than you've ever want to know.

  7. "What makes a Litvak Gadol a bigger Gadol than a Daatie Leumi Gadol??"

    The Chasidishe Rebbes of the Agudah Moetzes have the same position. So it is a great distortion for you to try to make this into a Litvish vs. Chasidish issue.

  8. Question, don't real Agudah announcements have the signatures of the individual Moetzes members? As opposed to a kol koreh signed generically by "the moetzes"?

  9. Please, don't embarass yourself. You say I AM out of the loop while you tout YU students as bigger lamdonim than Charedim????? What planet are you on?????

    Modern as you know is a way of describing those whose appearance and hashkofos are watered down from the way of the Charedim. Please don't lose it if you prefer a revisionist narrative.

    Hartman is the cynical bum who switched from Chaim Berlin to YU to Conservative koifer. He came to hate the frumma with a passion. You haven't heard of him because after all his big talk he amounted to ZERO.

    So there are no devorim assurim in Tzahal? Those 'dastardly' gedolim must be 'REALLY BIG LIARS' about all the interaction with the opposite sex. Why would the Moderner even care to be 100% segregated when Bnei Akiva itself encourages taaruvos at their own official events?

    You can't learn Tanach & Halacha without meforshim & daas Torah. R' Dovid Povarsky ztl (who the srugie brigade don't even reach his ankles) poskened that yeshivaleit dedicated to learning should not even be trained to handle guns for self-defense. If you are so keen on defering to the Holy Books, he was from the greatest decisors. And surely you can't ignore all the references of how limud Hatorah is the greatest defense of all. Leave the combat hishtadlus to those not steeped all week long in the intracacies of Tosafos.

  10. I work with a young religious man who has been called up to fight in Gaza for three tours of duty. He confided in me that he has lost 7 friends, close ones, and that there have been days and weeks when he has had to run from levaya to hospitals, and to shiva calls over and over again. I know women with young children whose husbands have been away in miluim for months, leaving them and their children alone. And I know families who have lost sons, brothers, and husbands in combat. Young men who have suffered irreparable physical damage, who will spend months in rehab, whose lives have been totally upended.
    By what right do the haredim impose this gezeira on the dati leumi, traditional, and secular public? And then to demand we pay for ALL their men to sit and learn?
    After a war, societies change. Priorities change. Political alignments change. It's coming, and the more haredi leadership doubles down on their position, the harder it's going to be.

    1. secular? How many hard-core secular (russians excluded-brought to Israel for the purpose-) serve as Boots on the Ground where boys are now needed?
      If they serve, it's only in select cushy positions in IAF or the like

  11. By the way, if, as Rabbi Yosef threatens, the haredim threaten to leave Israel, Bevakasha. The price of housing will drop, and combat veterans and their families will be only too happy to buy their apartments at cheap prices. Olim and temporary residents can go home, others can seek their best options in other countries that cannot wait to absorb immigrants who do not work, will not do military or public service, and need lots of subsidies. We can get our tefilln and mezuzot from Beit El.
    Shalom and behatzlacha!

  12. Just "brilliant" from the yenta with the grass-stained hoizen! That really worked out "well" for Spain, didn't it, when all their Charedim left. It went from a Superpower to a gurnisht little country.

    1. I don't think anyone should stay in Israel if they don't want to. Nobody is throwing anybody out. But throwing a tantrum and threatening to leave is ugly and embarrassing behavior, besides being frowned upon by the Torah. Besides, Israel would still have plenty of Jews, erliche ones. Unlike Spain.

    2. By the way, my response is exactly the same to the Kaplanistim who threaten to leave. Feel free. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. We"ll manage fine, and you'll free up more housing in the Tel Aviv area too.

  13. Enough said
    You write:
    "The Chasidishe Rebbes of the Agudah Moetzes have the same position"
    The Chassidishe Rebbes are by in large a bunch of ama-ratzim, take the Gerer Rebbe for example! The Aguda Moetzes are not recognized by most of frum Klall Yisrael either, they are basically irrelevant as the Kol Korah proves.

    Ben Tayreh
    You scribble:
    "Modern as you know is a way of describing those whose appearance and hashkofos are watered down from the way of the Charedim."

    Appearance & Hashkofos???
    Lets start with appearance! So Dressing like the Ahrelich which was the costume of the Arabs when the Ottomon Turks ruled that is the correct dress, Wearing a hat made from Skunk Tails like the Cossack murderers is the correct dress. Wearing a long jacket with the two buttons on the back like the British Goyim that is the correct dress but the appearance of the Daati Leumi that is "modern" sick and getting sicker out there!

    Loving the land of Israel, is the Wrong Hashkafa, serving in the Army in Hesder Yeshivas is the Wrong Hashkafa, but being a parasite and let others die to protect your ass is the right hashkafa! Worshipping an am haaretz and fressing from his left overs is the right hashkafa! Ok I get it

    You continue:
    "So there are no devorim assurim in Tzahal?" I'm sure there is but being in an army has its own special halachos shaalos utshuvois. And there is plenty of "devorim assurim" in Chareidie circles just recently a Chareidie Author blew his brains out but not before he seduced and raped dozens of married chareidie women! Many Chareidie Rabbanim are pedophiles and adulterers, and there is an abnormal amount of incest in the Chareidie communities, I don't write about it, but now that I get comments like yours I'm thinking this over!

    You continue:
    "You can't learn Tanach & Halacha without meforshim & daas Torah."
    Who says you should, but Chareidim don't learn that because in Tanach all Jews had to go to the army with few exceptions, and in Tanach everybody seemed to have jobs, and kollilim didn't exist! and they don't allow Tanach because they will see that the Manhigim and Gedoilim are not infallible that many of them has affairs and there were civil wars all the time, and isn't a meforash on Tanach that can twist that into something else. They don't want their sheep to know that most Jewish Kings were a bunch of Ovdei Avoda Zara and many were out-and-out murderers! They would also learn that the Jewish Army ate Treif!

    You continue:
    "R' Dovid Povarsky ztl (who the srugie brigade don't even reach his ankles) poskened that yeshivaleit dedicated to learning should not even be trained to handle guns for self-defense. "

    I did a shtickel survey here in Beit Shemesh , and 90% never heard of him... "He paskened" so what??? I know many Serugim who would wash the floor with him, and his psak proves that he catered to those who fed him! He paskened that Torah guys shouldn't be taught self defense? Very Naive and bizarre, that's why many in Har Nof got murdered in their Tallis and Tefillin until a Serugei came along and killed the murderer!

    Again I never heard from Hartman!

  14. Historian
    You write:
    "Just "brilliant" from the yenta with the grass-stained hoizen! That really worked out "well" for Spain, didn't it, when all their Charedim left. It went from a Superpower to a gurnisht little country."

    All Jews had to leave Spain.... I repeat ALL JEWS! And there wasn't such a thing as "Chareidie in the 1400s ...the term Chareidie was actually termed by a Zionist!
    The Yaavetz in his Sulam and so does the Kuzari write that in times of Shmad the Elites the Talmeidei Chachamim converted to Christianity, the pashuter Yid allowed himself to be sacrificed.

  15. This site has news that other places might not have and yes I’m curious so I look.
    But come on now! You guys think you have the capability to address questions that face all of the olam hatorah?
    I don’t see Klal yisroel coming to you for advice or berachos,
    So please have minimal humility, know your place and let the “big boys” handle this
    You are an embarrassment to yourselves and families

  16. I don’t have my own blog, but would like to share a perspective:

    The IDF just checked with Bituach Le’umi and identified a large number of boys who are demonstrably not in the Torasam UmNasam category. They are sending those boys draft notices as required by law.

    They could have (and legally should have) done this years ago. Nobody would have made a huge fuss over boys losing an exemption that they didn’t deserve.

    Instead, the courts went this ridiculous route of totally removing the Divinity Exemption with the explicit knowledge that the vast majority of the students formerly exempted will not even receive draft notices.

    My point is, I can see why the response would be to ignore the edict. The Courts aren’t even taking the themselves seriously!

    Personally, I’d love to see an equitable solution too, but this current legislation and policy is not it.

  17. Some am haaratzim never heard of the Gaon oylam R’ Dovid Povarsky. Therefore? Actually they are in gantzen clueless as his son is today’s Ponivizher rosh yeshiva. Plenty of ignoramous Chassidishe incidentally didn’t know who R’ Moshe Feinstein was when the levaya was announced (!) Get my drift?

    You are referring not to the Yaabetz as in the Acharon R’ Yaakov Emden, but to the Sfardi Rishon known as der Chossid Yaabetz. And you are not quoting him correctly! He said that the talmidei chochomim who learned Filosofia against the warning of the Chachmei Ashkenaz are the ones who succumbed to shmad because it robbed them of their emunah. This was a Sfardi Rishon admitting that the Ashkenazim were right, the Sfardim were dead wrong to be mattir learning Filosofia!

    I don’t have time currently to respond to the rest

  18. It's sad to see how out of touch the yeshivish/chasidish world (especially in the USA) is with the dati leumi world. Just take a look at the seforim from yeshiva Har Etzion and Shalavim as an example, it's astounding! yet they will never be sold in the local seforim store...

  19. > That really worked out "well" for Spain, didn't it, when all their Charedim left

    There were no Chareidim in Spain. The idea that all Jews were Chareidim and then the Modernisher Haskoloh'niks came and ruined everything is a lie they teach Yeshivish kids.

    Chareidism was invented by the Chasam Sofer and does not predate the 1800's. Sorry.

  20. What? Anyone calling during war for insurrection not to respond to a draft notice, should be immediately arrested and put on trial for insurrection and high treason.
    When found guilty give those traitors long prison sentences.( it’s just too bad Israel does not have capital punishment).
    Of course some of those so called GEDOLIM and ROSHEY YESHIVOS who signed that FATWA suffer from Dementia or Alzheimer’s
    Therefore won’t serve jail time, but at least lock them in a insane asylum where they belong.
    What a CHILLUL HASHEM these traitors have caused

  21. LOL

    Oh yeah, the luminaries of the Dati Leumi. Frankly, I wouldn't put Mrs. Nechama Leibowitz on my shrank if you paid me. Thanks but no thanks!

    Do we have a salesman here for her scribblings? Or Aharon Bina?

    Or Moti Elon? Or Shlomo Aviner?

    Many more where they came from

  22. To
    Proudly out of touch
    Your "moniker" is spot on!

    You scribble:
    "Oh yeah, the luminaries of the Dati Leumi. Frankly, I wouldn't put Mrs. Nechama Leibowitz on my shrank if you paid me. "

    Rebbetzin Nechama z"l was a giant in Chumash and Rashi, its your loss, she was certainly a bigger scholar than most Chassidishe Rebbes, and many Litvishe Roshei Yeshiva! You Chareidim are totally brainwashed in your ideology, and even as you populate it won't last as many of your people are going off the Derech at a rapid pace, and I come from that background!
    Tens of thousands are leaving with no hope in the horizon! It is kept under the rug, but it is now coming out! Just last week there was a "sababa fest" with thousands of former Chareidim attending, all went off the derech! Chareidi children far out pace Daati Leumi children going off, and in fact it is practically unheard ofin Daati Leumi circles
    Your list of sexual offenders is a pittance of the incest and sexual deviances prevalent in Charedie circles. I learned in Chareidie Yeshivois and I can tell you that most rebbes were sexual predators, again most of the rebbes were predators. Growing up I heard horror stories from my friends who learned in different Chareidie schools.
    Because of your comment, I will now dedicate my blog to those stories from eyewitness accounts, its time to set the record straight! Since alot of people have your sick warped thinking!

  23. 1:26
    How many?
    We are all waiting with bated breath for your response.
    Again>.. How many?

  24. Chabadskers in Tzahal???July 12, 2024 at 5:03 PM

    Where are your Lubavitcher friends in Tzahal? Yes, once in a while we hear of a Chabadsker there, but it seems like many, most, or an overwhelming majority don't go. They claim to be shluchim of their late Rebbuh, the Moshiach sheker, and thereby exempt? Why aren't you raising a ruckus about Lubabs?

  25. To
    Chabadskers in Tzahal???
    It seems that you don't read my blog, but just comment!
    I have written many times that Chabad is more anti-Zionist than Satmar! They do not recognize the State of Israel!
    The major difference between Satmar and Chabad is that Chabad loves every single Jew even when the Jew is healthy! Satmar on the other hand hates everyone that isn't Satmar except when non-Satmar Jews are sick and dying, then they run with their Chicken Soup.
    The Rebbe in fact met with Zionist officials and gave them berachos and more important his love!
    Why is the Rebbe "Moshiach Sheker" in what way? Because he died? So what? Moshiach ben Duvid also died yet you daven that he appear?
    so the Chabadnikers believe he didn't die? So What? I am sure you believe that "Yaakov Aveenu Lo Mes?" Yet he was embalmed, and was buried? Am I comparing the Rebbe with Yaakov Aveenu? Yes! Absolutely! The gemarra in countless places state that the Tanaim and Ammaroim who died "speak in their graves" when anyone repeats what they said!

    I am not a Chabadniker and I don't think he is the Moshiach, but I have no issue with those who do!
    They are all Shoimer Torah Umitzvois and observe all the Taryag mitzvois! Especially the mitzvah that Rebbe Akiva says is "Klall Gadol Ba'Torah" "Veuhavta Le'reichau Kamoicha"
    BTW Satmar also has a representative in the IDF ... The Satmar Rebbe's own grandchild!

  26. Proudly out of touchJuly 14, 2024 at 8:07 AM

    Information forthcoming on a more recent post. Sorry you had to hold your breath all Shabbos
