Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Eda Charedi Protesters totally Unhinged Smash Charedi MKs Cars, Heckle Them


Towards the end of the demonstration against IDF conscription organized on Sunday by the Eda Charedis and soon after Rav Sternbuch riled them up,, the protests turned violent, as the demonstrators vented their fury on charedi MKs who they felt were responsible for the current draft law which will enable the conscription of thousands of charedi youths.

Housing minister Yitzchak Goldknopf was the first to suffer the consequences of the anti-government demonstrations, as his car was significantly damaged by rocks and other items thrown at it, as protesters shouted “Be ashamed of yourself”

 Police said that violent disturbances had broken out after the demonstration. Five people were arrested, two for attacking police and three for throwing projectiles and endangering others.

“Police forces responded to a protest which took place Sunday night, mainly in Sarei Yisrael and Malchei Yisrael streets,” a police statement read. “The protest caused violent disturbances including throwing stones and objects at police and at public representatives passing by, burning items in the road as well as garbage cans in order to block streets and disturbance of the peace.

“After police announced that the troublemakers should leave and they continued to disturb the peace- police used elements to disperse the crowd and restore order.”

Mr. Cohen
 1 day ago

The Israeli Chareidim inflicted this situation on themselves by refusing all compromises.
They could have made a compromise where only non-learning Chareidim were drafted.
But they refused ALL compromises, so now ALL Chareidim can be drafted.
They could have made a compromise where Chareidim perform: food services, Bikur Cholim, paramedic duties, supply distribution, and computer security.
But they refused all compromises, so now Chareidim can be drafted into combat.
They could have made a compromise where Chareidim serve in their own units.
But they refused all compromises, so now Chareidim will serve with secular soldiers.
If I remember correctly, tractate Megillah teaches that a man should always be
flexible, like a reed, not inflexible like a cedar.

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