Sunday, July 14, 2024

Dr. Ruth Westheimer passes away at 96

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the sex therapist, media star and best-selling author, has passed away. She died on Friday at 96, in her home in New York City, surrounded by her family.

She was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1928, and originally named Karola Ruth Siegel. An only child, she was sent by her parents to Switzerland to escape Kristallnacht at age 10. She never saw her parents again, and believed they were murdered at Auschwitz.

At 16, she moved to British Mandatory Palestine and trained as a sniper in the Haganah. She was severely wounded in a bombing and was only able to walk again due to exceptional surgical intervention.

Over the course of her career, Dr. Ruth amassed several awards for her prolific writing, educational efforts, and media experience. She strongly supported the LGBTQ community, drawing denunciations from some of the religious Christian community.

During her career, she amassed an audience of several million with newspaper columns, television and radio shows, multiple lecturing and educational engagements, appearances on numerous famed talk shows, and more than 40 books. Along with a private practice, she taught at multiple world class educational institutions. Her work inspired pop lyrics, a calendar series, and a board game.

She is survived by her children Joel and Miriam, and four grandchildren.



  1. She had frum parents & Russian Chief Rabbi Goldschmidt's zaydeh in Schweiz helped her escape there at age 10. I don't know what kind of chinuch she had in the orphanage that she focused her life 24/7 on sex. She moved to Washington Heights & sent her daughter to Breuer's affiliated preschool because of free scholarship. She nebich sent her son to a place with G-dless Shomer Hatzair affiliation. She oddly belong triplicate to a Reform temple, Conservative temple & an Orthodox shul (until it closed anyway).

    She passed away the same day as the Jewish (likely feigeleh) Richard Simmons

  2. I heard she once went to the Lubavitcher Rebbe for a Bracha and Dollar and the Rebbe told her she should follow in the ways of her father.

  3. With all her therapy training, why was she married 3 times?

  4. A lot of the deyos zoggers are losers. Ann Landers was divorced & never remarried but giving everyone advice.

    When crude reporters asked Ruthie if she has hot sex with hubby Manfred she answered with alter Yiddish pisgam that the kids of the shuster don't have shoes.
