Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Chareidie Has Message to the Israeli Roshei Yeshivas schnorring in the USA ... Stay Home! Don't Bankrupt Our Moisdois.. You Came Under False Pretenses!!

I decided to translate the video where this Chusid speaks in Yiddish to the Israeli Roshei Yeshiva Schnorrers! 

I hope I do it justice!!!!

" Two weeks ago, a bunch of Roshei Yeshivah from Eretz Yisrael came to schnoor in the USA! This camapign hasn't stopped and continues to bombard us. Just today I heard that they managed to collect $84 million,  and are still missing some "change" and they claim that the future of Klall Yisrael depends on this!

So what triggered me to speak out? 

You come from a country that only Jews live there, and you have an issue and an argument with your own brothers, so you come to America to grab money from poor people under false pretenses that the future of the Jewish people depend on this!

This isn't true at all, the future of the Jewish people doesn't depend on this! 

You have a "Yissacher/Zevulin" agreement with Chilonim, you learn Torah and they protect you!

The problem with this is that you cannot force a "Yissacher/Zevulin" agreement! A Talmud Chuchim can't walk into your store, grab $2,000 from your register and say I'm the Zevulin and you are the Yissacher ...that doesn't work! Both have to agree to this!

So before you come to Schnoor here in America, why don't you first resolve you issues with your Chilonie brothers?? Why are you depleting our much needed resources when here in the USA it cost us $70,000 in tuitions to educate our children  in our Moisdois?

The "pshat" is that OUR future is in jeopardy, not yours, and you come under false pretenses to collect money when you have the ability to resolve your issues and make peace with  Chilonim?

When was the last time A Rosh Yeshivah  sat with Avigdar Lieberman, when was the last time a Rosh Yeshiva sat with Naftali Bennett? When was the last time they sat with anyone?

We are here on Shiva Asar Be'Tamuz, the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash was because of "Sinas Chinum" senseless hatred, one Jew hated the other Jew. Why on this day, take the opportunity and go to the other side of the aisle and see how you can resolve your issues. 

Everyone knows that these issues with the Chilonim has nothing to do with Torah it has to do with money,and  its all politics! 

So go to your brother resolve your issues and keep learning. Don't come here to America and schnoor over $100 million depleting our resources under your false pretenses that the future of the Jewish people depends on this. This Roshe Yeshiva argument has absolutely no credible beginning or credible end.

The Mishna says "Kol Torah Shein imo Melacha Sofo Beiteilah and Gorress Avoin" Any Torah learned without a source of income will eventually vanish and will bring sin! 

DIN: Well spoken and thought out! He broke it down well and was articulate! Who is this guy? I need him to work for me! 

If any of you fell for this fraudulent campaign and contributed to them, and took your money from maaser, you may want to ask a shaalei if need to replace your maaser fund! 


  1. For more than 30 years these rabbonim have preached that no boy should "chas vesholom" work for a living. This was just a major bubble waiting to burst. And not that bubble is exploding. That life style is unsustainable. There is just so much you can schnorr. On top of that, more than half of these kolel boys don't learn anything at all. They are the useful idiots of these rabbonim who are ready to sit down on highways and block buses and trains as soon as some holy rav says so. A note to all these Rabbonim. You reap what you sow.
    Plentt of people here in America can barely afford their own kids tuitions (if at all); how can they keep supporting all the lazy bums in Israel??

  2. These Rabbis read the Possuk : "Acheichem yelchu lamilchomo ve-atem teshvu poh" not as a "Temiah" but as a "Nichussa".
    But by "Kach hee darkoh shel Torah" they read it as a "Temiah" not as a "Nichussa".
    When it comes to Parnosso: "Kol Tora she'eyn imo Melocho Sofah beteilah", they run out of niggunim.

  3. Chofetz Chaim Daily 25 Taamuz 6:9 Anything that is asur for someone to SAY, is also LH to BELIEVE. 6:10 One is allowed to SUSPECT that a story is true, IF there is toeles e.g. to protect himself etc. However one must still treat this suspect as a regular Jew for all matters

  4. Chofetz Chaim Daily 24 Taamuz 6:7 The sin of LH is commonly caused by not judging favorably. 6:8 It is much worse if the subject is a Talmid Chacham, whom one must try harder to judge favorably.

  5. Stupidity....if people want to give money there not being robbed.if u don't wanna give than dont

  6. They arrived in London this week, two of them arriving on private jets

  7. Kovod R' DIN
    Whether or not this individuals have a valid point or not- regardless
    sitting at the porch of a high-end vacation home-
    in the attire of a "tuttich'& recently visited a local kugel/chulent bistro
    Does not reflect the professional editorial opinion you are trying to portray

  8. Stylishly outfitted in their "tuna-bagel" attire
    speaking in high class Satmar yiddish sprinkled with broken
    2nd grade "Inglish"
    Not sure they are the best diplomats to deliver your message

  9. Guys
    You can call him a "tuna-beigel" you can denigrate his "2nd-grade "inglish" you can mock his high-end vacation home, he was spot on nevertheless! He was far more articulate than any of those supporting old men flying around the world in private jets lying about the future of Torah in Israel!
    Listen to his message not his accent!
