Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Britain’s Newly Elected Prime Minister and His Jewish Wife Abandon Support for Israel

The British have returned to their ancestral roots of deep seated Jew Hating. 

From its persecution of Jews in the Middle Ages and onward to the cursed British Mandate, Britain has performed crimes of Genocide against the Jewish people. 

Britain’s new Prime Minister Keir Starmer plans to drop the challenge to the ICC's jurisdiction over Israeli PM Netanyahu, supports Palestinian statehood, calls for a Gaza ceasefire, and reinstates funding to UNRWA, signaling a shift in UK foreign policy towards Isra

Britain’s newly elected Prime Minister Keir Starmer appears to be faltering in his commitment to stand with the Jewish state.

According to the Guardian, Starmer’s Labour government is expected to abandon its bid to delay the International Criminal Court (ICC) from issuing an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over alleged war crimes in Gaza.

The previous British government under Rishi Sunak filed a challenge on June 10, questioning the ICC’s jurisdiction over Israeli nationals. Following Sunak’s petition, the ICC’s pre-trial chamber had given the UK until July 12 to submit its full claim, but now under Starmer that challenge is being tossed away along with any hope he would side with the Middle East’s lone democracy.

In a conversation with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday, the British leader expressed his belief that the Arabs have an “undeniable right” to an independent state. During the call, Starmer also addressed the “ongoing suffering and devastating loss of life” in Gaza, seemingly placing the blame squarely on Israel’s shoulders while ignoring Hamas’ guilt in starting the war following its October 7 massacre.

In a separate call with Netanyahu, Starmer emphasized the “clear and urgent” need for an immediate ceasefire and his desire to see a two-state solution that ensures the PA has the financial means to operate effectively.

Moreover, the appointment of David Lammy as foreign secretary raises further concerns regarding the UK’s foreign policy under Starmer’s leadership. On Monday,  Lammy announced his intention to reinstate funding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), an organization that has been repeatedly found collaborating with Hamas



  1. The wife is not Jewish. Her mother was not Jewish, overnight conversion. Only her father was Jewish.

  2. This is always something people forget.
    Oh look! The First Gentleman is Jewish! That means Kamala Harris will be pro-Israel.
    If her husband is so Jewish, why did he marry a shiksa? If he cares so much about his people, why did he commit to a non-Jewish relationship?
    Mark Zuckerberg cares about being Jewish! He makes kiddush every Friday night. Yes, and then he and his shiksa wife sit down to a fresh pork dinner. Uh huh.
    Starmer's wife is Jewish! She even belongs to a Reform synagogue. That's for sure great for us. To quote the immortal Al Bundy, "Uh, no Peg."

  3. She's not Jewish

  4. Is the wife of "Der Starmer" really Jewish? Does it really matter? Stinkin Blinken and Henry Kissinger are Jews. A lot of good that did us.

    1. You left out Soros who spends billions promoting anti Israel protests.

    2. Blinkin is adopted. Kissing is a yid

  5. If she is halachically Jewish or not, is completely irrelevant, what is relevant is, had she lived in Poland when the Nazis came they would have shoved her into the ovens as a "Jew"
    She identifies as a Jew and that is all that goyim care, hence my headline!
    Goyim will see that even Jews are anti-Israel!

    1. Less simple than that,but par for DIN.
      There were many half-jews who weren't shoved in.Some were even in the Wehrmacht.

  6. If she identifies as a Jew, Starmer will work that much harder against Israel to show his Muslim voters he's "balanced" on the issue.
    She will not turn out to be Queen Esther.

    1. Being able to see the future is no picnic.

    2. I was so relieved to learn that the unfunny Sarah Silverman is not Jewish. She missed all the funny genes.

  7. Blinkin is takka adopted but he was also born Jewish unfortunately. He's amounted to a Kapo & meshumod married to a goyta - like old Henry Kissinger.
