Friday, July 5, 2024

Belz, Sanz, Vizhnitz, Boyan, Biala, and Karlin Are Fed Up With The Litvishe "gedoilim" Keeping Them in Poverty and Will Teach "Full Curriculum Studies"


Ahead of the opening of the next school year, several major CHasidic communities are  joining state religious education.

Discussions have been held between the Ministry of Education officials and representatives of senior Chasidic leaders with the aim of integrating the educational institutions of the Chasidic communities into state religious education.

According to sources involved in the matter, this marks the culmination of many processes with the institutions' managers and representatives of the communities.

Among the communities that will join the state-religious education are Belz, Sanz, Vizhnitz, Boyan, Biala, and Karlin. It is estimated that this involves about 18 schools with a total of between 5,000 and 7,000 students.

As part of the state religious education, there will be full core curriculum studies, including standardized tests and close supervision by the Ministry of Education, and the teachers will be state employees.

Religious studies will remain the exclusive responsibility of the institutions' management in each Hasidic community.


  1. Thomas

  2. Get the facts rightJuly 5, 2024 at 5:17 PM

    DIN, wake up! Open your eyes!

    Your desire to blame problems on the Litvishe gedoilim is blinding you to the reality. There is strong opposition to secular studies from within Hasidism itself. For example, your favorite Hasidic sect, Chabad, is very against secular studies. And other sects as well.

  3. 5:17
    There WAS a strong opposition to secular Chassidim, the key word here is "WAS" They are slowly finding out that not having a secular studies program leads directly to poverty, they now know that this is unsustainable!
    Litvaks with their "gedoilim" were always opposed to going to work, Period! They are the ones who started the "kollilm" they are the ones whose wives teach the girls that they should marry a forever-learning guy, something that is new to Judaism. They live on handouts! Always did and always will. Chassidim on the other hand are into working for a living, but they got caught into the "Litvak Lies" and are now seeing the light.
    Your comment about Chabad and calling it "my favorite" chassidic sect is true, but that doesn't mean that I agree with them in everything. I love Ice Cream but I don't like Strawberry Ice Cream so does that mean I don't like Ice Cream? I don't get it!

  4. the entire lakewood type kollel system was doomed from the start. It was only a matter a time until it would implode and that time has arrived. The litvish Gedolim sold them all a bill of good about sitting and learning. All this causes was poverty, and I truly believe, the shidduch and divorce crises. Too many boys took advantage of the system, after all "cant marry a rich unless my tuches is in BMG". Those who have spent their lives learning cannot marry off their daughters because these same "gedolim" tell the boys to choose the rich girls.
    And now what do we see? one girl school shutting down, another raised tuition from 7500 to 11000. This is just the beginning.

  5. Which litvak gedolim opposed working?

    This didn't exist in Lithuania when the alter of norvadak closed his business rav Yisroel Salanter argued against it.

    They are post Litvaks gedolim, Lita was mostly destroyed in 41.
