Monday, June 3, 2024

Young Bochur On His way Back From the Mikvah Shabbos Morning Met by 4 Dogs in Beitar



  1. no expert here, but you can see the dogs waving their tail, doesn't seem they were in aggression mode, rather playful, the kid running inadvertently ecoraged their "game" of tag, poor boy.

  2. This frum aversion to dogs creates fear that feeds into miscommunication between dogs and frum people. There are days I like dogs more than humans. Most bad dogs have bad humans or bad experiences with humans.

  3. Chuchem fin der Mah NishtanahJune 3, 2024 at 6:23 PM

    Not in aggression mode, playful? Bist meshiggeh? The pit bull looking heendt was taking bites out of the bucher!

  4. Beitar is a Charedi city so what the heck are those mutts doing there?

  5. To Joe Magdeburger 5:25

    "This frum aversion to dogs creates fear that feeds into miscommunication between dogs and frum people"... You really believe that wild wandering dogs like these make a difference between frei and frum people ? Really ?

    "There are days I like dogs more than humans" ? Time to check your Tefilin (if you have any).

    "Most bad dogs have bad humans or bad experiences with humans" ? Reminds me of a famous shaiyla: Every morning we say shelo oisani goy, shelo oisani oved, shelo oisani esho... so why don't we say shelo oisani beheima ?
    Because for people like you it's a sofek brocho levatola.

    Seems like it's easier for you to blame the frum crown in general that just 4 pure barking chayos. Personaly, if this kid's life was at stake and if I was carrying a gun, I would have shot dead all these 4 dogs.

    1. Putting aside your name calling, dogs can smell fear and other emotions. Abused dogs react to abuse, just like abused humans. And dogs kept by criminal elements absorb the personalities of their owners. After October 7 I make no apologies for comparing humans negatively to dogs. I have been observant for 45 years and have dog owners and canophobes in my family. Thankfully, all of us agree to dissgree and do not engage in snideness dressed in frumspeak that permeates your reply.

    2. To Joe Magdeburger 4:18 pm

      Omg… "After October 7 I make no apologies for comparing humans negatively to dogs."… So 1. you presume that Oct. 7 was perpetrated by humans: it was not, and 2. you try to make believe that these few hundred terrorist represent the whole of human kind (you gotta be kidding) and 3. you just proved that you totally ignore the main difference between men and dogs: Men have the bechira (if you know what this is), animals don’t have it.
      Just don’t forget to have your Tefilin checked.

    3. Chromosomally, the terrorists are members of the human species. The term "chromosomal human" addresses the chasm between their behavior and beliefs, and the minimal standards of which they fall so short. Also, there are enough people who rationalise evil and thereby become its accomplices. The percentage of "chromosomal humans" isfar too high. It is interesting that you mention checking tefilin, which can deteriorate with time and need correction. It is worthwhile to reflect how we should measure ourselves against the proverbial tikun sofer and hold to a higher standard. Human beings can ascend to the greatest heights and also sink to levels of depravity of which animals are incapable.I am proud to and humble enough to check my tefilin on a regular schedule. I hope you are as well.
