Monday, June 17, 2024

Schumer deletes Father’s Day photo tweet of his CHEESEBURGER that he had at his Daughter and HER Wife!

Cryi'n Schumer has posted a picture of himself transgressing a basic Torah law–the prohibition of milk and meat. After Schumer was slammed on Twitter, he apparently deleted the Tweet.

This is the latest of many displays by Schumer that make it clear that he has no connection nor concern about his Jewish heritage, and is not embarrassed to publicize his indifference to his religion (until he’s called out by critics).

In an apparent celebration of Father’s Day, Schumer posted a picture of himself grilling meat and cheese.

He posted: “Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years, but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbecue with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill! Father’s Day Heaven!”

Apparently realizing his “mistake”, Schumer then proceeded to delete the tweet.

In addition to the photo of cooking the cheeseburger, Schumer also posted about his daughter and “her wife”.

In recent months, Schumer, the highest ranking Democrat in Congress, who comes from Brooklyn and claims to have strong ties to his heritage, has been mostly shunned by the Jewish community, after he abandoned Israel for his own political purposes. Virtually the entire Democrat party has turned a cold shoulder to Israel and the Jews since October 7, other than a handful of holdouts, such as Senator John Fetterman and Congressman Ritchie Torres, who have resisted enormous pressure from within their party.



  1. Behamah temaha neveila and cheese is not basar vchalav .jusy treif

  2. 3:37
    I'm so proud of my readers, talmedei chachamim!

  3. He removed the pick because he looked stupid putting cheese on a raw hamburger - nothing to do with his religion….

  4. Remember: non-religious Jews see the whole Torah-observance thing as this optional frill. We choose to keep kosher but they don't and they really don't see it as anything wrong.

  5. How dare you attack another big Liska Chusid?

    Vaad Chasidei Liska B.P.

    Brad Lander, Christine Quinn, Chuck Schumer, Tim Kaine, Abe Foxman, Pinchesl Ezra Friedlander.

  6. We have veered so far off,yet we're entitled to call ourselves The Chosen people??
    Same old.
    Wrong friends & also wrong enemies-we can still be wary ,while in coalition for similar general

  7. He should more appropriately be grilling cheese with cheese and a burger with another one!

  8. Choose your side: the Arabs in the article below or this dog
