Sunday, June 16, 2024

Last Jew in Yemen Who Refused to Leave Dies and is Buried by Local Arabs


I'm wondering if Satmar Chassidim will make his grave a shrine since he refused to go to Israel! 

Last Thursday, Yehia Ben Yosef, one of the last remaining Jews in Yemen who refused to leave, passed away. 

Local non-Jewish residents buried him.


  1. Unfortunately he was not the last Jew in Yemen. There were girls who were kidnapped and forced into marriage (one to a Houthi)...and their children are Jewish.

  2. Houthi and the BlowfishJune 19, 2024 at 8:00 AM

    Do you mean the last Jew in Houthi rebel controlled land? Weren't a bunch of Yidden evacuated to a guarded compound in the government controlled south?

  3. Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
