Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Jack Lew's Cockamamie Statement "Two-State Solution Would be a Defeat for Hamas"


We must be living in an alternate universe. With friends like this "upgerissiner naar" "unmitigated fool," who needs enemies?

Jack Lew told a news outlet that a two state solution would be a defeat for Hamas. The US Ambassador to Israel, an orthodox Jew and former Obama Treasury Secretary and Chief-of-Staff, made the controversial and difficult-to-comprehend comments in an interview with the Jerusalem Post.

“I don’t think Hamas wants two states,” Lew said. “The only time they indicate they want two states is when they’re trying to put a little bit of a patina of legitimacy around their real strategy, which is the elimination of the State of Israel.”

Lew has been involved in intense negotiations, trying to broker an agreement that includes a Washington-Saudi defense pact, Israeli-Saudi normalization, and a pathway to Palestinian statehood.

On the flipside, PM Binyamin Netanyahu and his government believe Palestinian statehood rewards terrorism and legitimizes that brutal style of attack in which people were tortured burned alive.

Lew said he believed that the opposite is true, particularly if Palestinian statehood is achieved through the framework of a larger Saudi deal, which would place Israel within a regional alliance against Iran.

“I think it’s a defeat for Hamas to talk about a two-state solution, which is why I think even out of the pain of October 7, there is a way to have this conversation, but it takes leadership,” Lew said.

A Saudi deal “would be a strategic move that would be transformative in terms of isolating Iran, with its proxies on one side and Israel with the moderate Arab world and the Western world on the other side,” he explained.

While Lew is certainly correct that Hamas would prefer a one state solution that eliminates Israel, as is clear from their “From the river to the sea” doctrine, it is very difficult to comprehend that a two state solution would be a win for Hamas.

Prior to October 7, the notion of a two-state solution was virtually dead. President Trump had successfully defunded and marginalized the Palestinians, and Hamas had zero influence on policy.

However since October 7, the proposal has been heavily revived. As absurd and sickening as it seems, committing atrocities has given Hamas enormous leverage. As such, Lew is clearly incorrect, as a two state solution would be a massive win for Hamas. Lew is simply trying to push the Biden agenda, which seems to care more about winning Michigan than destroying Hamas.


  1. Here's what he's saying - Hamas doesn't want two states. And this is very true. They want Israel gone so logically, two states is a defeat for them.
    Perhaps he believes that a Saudi-run Palestine in which order and peace are maintained by Saudi forces who would not tolerate the PLO and Hamas running around is the ideal. It's a nice pipe dream but explainable.

  2. Bulvan and friendsJune 4, 2024 at 6:47 PM

    When this Kapo is not chanfening Avi Weiss at the Open Orthodox temple in Riverdale he can't see straight because his kop is lodged between Obama's shtinky shvartz tuchess lobes
