Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ironically the Peleg Crazies Will Continue to Receive Money from the "Medinah"

 Despite leading numerous raucous demonstrations against the Draft Law and not showing up for deferments at the IDF’s absorption base, the Jerusalem Faction’s yeshivos are continuing to receive government funding. All the other yeshivos have had their funding cut by the high court’s disqualification of the draft law.

The reason for this anomaly is a lacuna in the current law, which states that the budgets will be cut for those who defer IDF service [due to the court’s claiming that the current deferment law is illegal and causes inequalities by placing a larger burden on the rest of the population].

The law however did not mention those who shirk army service rather than deferring, and since they were not included in the law, their budgets have not been cut.

The Ministry of Education claims that it has no authority to cancel budgets and it works based on lists provided by the IDF. However the IDF has only provided lists of those who declared Torato Umanuto and received deferments, while those who did not apply for deferments and did not come to the bases are not on these lists and therefore continue to receive their monthly stipends.

1 comment:

  1. Talk about getting the last laugh ...
