Friday, June 7, 2024

In "heiligeh" Skver Even the "Shabbos" Goy" Is a Jew !


Monsey Scoop reported on Wednesday morning that a long-serving Shabbos Goy and security guard working in New Square has been let go after a sudden and shocking discovery was made: he is Jewish.

The revelation came to light during a casual conversation with a resident, where the “Shabbos Goy” mentioned that his grandmother was Jewish and had lived in a village near Kiev, Ukraine.

The news spread like wildfire, and having been provided the information, the Skvere dayanim instructed local askanim to research and verify the facts before the next Shabbos.

Following a swift investigation into the man’s ancestry, askanim were able to confirm that the near 70-year-old man with over 15 years of service as a “Shabbos Goy” and previously with the NYPD, was indeed halachically Jewish – despite his insistence upon and identification as a Catholic.

As such, the Shabbos Goy has been let go. It was explained to him that he could no longer be employed in his position due to his Jewish heritage, which forbids them from hiring a fellow Jew for work on Shabbos.

The incident is reminiscent of a revelation made last summer that a “Shabbos Goy” who had worked for 30 years on a religious yishuv was actually a Jew. This only became know after the man’s death, when his family insisted he be buried in the Jewish cemetery, leading to an investigation into his ancestry.


  1. What happens with the Chometz they sold to this so-called GOI?

  2. Not the first time they had a Jewish person perform work on Shabbos. It's recorded as a incident in a survivors story that when he moved to SquareTown, there was a lady across the street that he would ask to help when needed. On Yom Kippur, she refused and sent her husband. After, the person went back and asked her why and she explained that after the war, she had nobody Everybody in her family was gone and she married a Polish man who was good to her. She continued that the only things she observed after the war was Yom Kippur. Once again, they didn't know beforehand and just assumed she was kosher to use
