Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Hamas protesters on NYC subway Tell passengers .... ‘Zionists’ to raise Your Hands


Masked Pro-hamas protesters took over a New York City subway car on Monday and demanded to know if there were any “Zionists” on the train — then warned them: ‘This is your chance to get out.”

The sickening moment came after protesters rallied in Union Square Park in Manhattan and held up a banner that read “Long live October 7.”

One antisemitic demonstrator at the event yelled that he wished “Hitler was still here” to “wipe out” the Jews.

Later, the mob of protesters lit flares and waved flags associated with Hezbollah and Hamas in front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street during an organized “citywide day of rage for Gaza.”

On the packed subway Monday, one man told a group of masked and keffiyeh-clad protesters, “Repeat after me” — then said: “Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist.”

The other protesters dutifully echoed him.

Then he said, “This is your chance to get out.”

No one appears to raise their hands, according to the clip, widely shared online Tuesday

“Okay, no Zionists, we’re good,” he said as others cheered.

Zionism is defined by the Anti-Defamation League as “the self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people” in Israel.

Some 80% of US Jews said in a 2021 survey that caring about Israel is a key part of being Jewish.

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