Thursday, June 6, 2024

Faroud on June 1-2, 1941 when Jews were murdered for no other reason than being Jews


This article below that just went viral hits me with such sadness, and not because of the incident itself, which in itself was horrific, but because of the Satmar propaganda machine that denies it and keeps pushing the idea that Arabs lived good with the Jews prior to the State. Just this week Der Goy wrote an extensive article on how Jews and Arabs lived great together, the Neturei Karta Branch of Satmar is now pushing this lie more than ever!

One of the readers of DIN believes the Satmar BS, though he himself is not Satmar and lived as a teenager on the West Coast and made aliya to Israel over 50 years ago! He actually comes from a Modern Orthodox Home and his family are scholars.  A while ago he argued that if it wasn't for the establishment of the "medina" Jews would have lived great with the Arabs!

That argument is flawed on so many levels, one just has to google and read about the murder and rape of Jews by Arabs going back over a thousand years. 

But let's for a minute take his side that Arabs expelled the Jews from their countries because of the establishment of the State in 1948. If they in fact "lived good together," why would a country like Iraq which is situated 867 kilometers from Israel care that a Jewish State was established? What is it to them? 

Keep in mind that "they lived good together" Would they have cared that another country, say, Jordan. was established? 

In fact, it was established at the same time, in 1948, so did Iraq expel its Jordanians? Of course not, it doesn't even make any sense! What does make sense is the truth and nothing but the truth, that the Arabs hated the Jews living amongst them all the time and were just looking for an excuse to expel them! 

Why did England expel their Jews in 1290? Because of the Zionists? Why did Spain expel Jews in 1492, why did Portugal expel its Jews in 1497? Sicily in 1492? Because of the Zionists? 

Why don't you read world history and you will see that "they lived good together?" 

What does "living good together even mean?" The answer is that it means nothing that it's a lie! The Jews in Germany also "lived good together" prior to Hitler's getting elected! 

Satmar and its supporters use this "living good together" lie to besmirch the only Jewish State. 

And I am going to go out on a limb and say the following: 

Should the Democrats, G-d Forbid, remain in the White House in 2024, Satmar will say in 2026, "you know, we lived good together" but not before they are expelled from their "safe" enclave in KJ and Williamsburg! 

A vast Jewish Diaspora underwent a process of communal annihilation prior to Israel’s establishment, one that continued during Israel’s formative years, yet we Israelis rarely talk about or commemorate these historic events. On the eve of the establishment of the State of Israel, at least 800,000 Jews lived in Arab countries. Today, those ancient Jewish Diasporas number only a few thousand at best. These numbers alone should give us pause:

Emigration of more than 99 percent of the Jewish population in such a short time is unparalleled in modern Jewish history. Even the Jewish communities of Europe, which experienced the most extreme suffering of anti-Semitic violence, did not vanish entirely, or so abruptly.

The story of the Jews from Arab lands is a saga that extends over a thousand years and over a vast geographic region.

More than 800,000 Jews lived in the countries of the Arab world at the time of Israel’s founding. Virtually all of them fled or were forced out of their homes and communities after Israel’s establishment with more than three-quarters of these Jewish refugees moving to Israel. The once-thriving communities they had established in places such as Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Tunisia shrunk and, in some cases, virtually disappeared. The Jews of these Arab nations were forced to leave behind most if not all of their property and businesses with no compensation other than being allowed to remain alive to flee.

Thousands of pages of testimony have been collecting dust in various government offices in Israel since the 1950s. Under the bureaucratic heading “Registry of the Claims of Jews from Arab Lands,” they tell of lives cut short, of individuals and entire families who found themselves suddenly homeless, persecuted, humiliated. Together they relate a tragic chapter in the history of modern Jewry, a chain of traumatic events that signaled the end of a once-glorious Jewish Diaspora.

Yet for all its historical import, this chapter has been largely repressed, scarcely leaving a mark on Israel’s collective memory, largely ignored by the mainstream printed and broadcasted media. The issue of Jewish refugees from Arab nations has not been on the agenda of the academic world always in tune to remain politically correct, proactively refraining from endangering the accepted false narrative of Arab refugees central to Palestinian Arab propaganda.

On the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, June 1-2, 1941; 83 years ago, the Muslim residents of Baghdad carried out a savage pogrom against their Jewish neighbors. In this pogrom, known by its Arabic name al-Farhoud, the pogrom of "violent dispossession" was carried out against the Jewish population of Baghdad.

 Over 180 Jews were murdered and mutilated and thousands wounded; Jews were killed randomly, women and children were raped in front of their relatives, and babies crushed. Jewish property was plundered; homes, businesses, places of worship, and communal institutions were looted, set ablaze and destroyed.

Historians have referred to the Farhoud as being a pogrom associated with the Holocaust. The Farhoud has also been called the beginning of the end of the Jewish community of Iraq, propagating the mass migration of Iraqi Jews out of the country, of which the majority made Aliyah in masse to the newly established State of Israel. The hanging of Shafiq Ades, considered the wealthiest Jew in Iraq, on trumped up charges of treason in front of cheering crowds outside his Basra mansion on September 23, 1948, was the final catalyst.

The linking of the Farhoud to the Holocaust is based on historical record and involved Muslim leaders who fully identified with the Nazi regime and played an active role in promoting the annihilation of Jewry of the Middle East. At the time, under the auspices of the British Mandate representatives, a governmental commission of inquiry was established concerning the Farhoud, and determined that the Nazi propaganda of Radio Berlin had been one of the massacre’s foremost instigators.

The first Arab-language Nazi radio station was launched in Berlin prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, broadcasting anti-British, anti-American, anti-Soviet, and particularly anti-Semitic propaganda. It thus helped spread radical anti-Semitism in the Middle East. The messages in the propaganda broadcasts were designed to achieve certain goals, such as winning the Arab population’s sympathy for the Nazis and the Führer, stoking Arab national sentiments, incitement against the Jews, and blaming the Jews for being behind all the Arab world’s calamities and failures. The commission’s report also identified the main individuals who had impelled the assault. It pointed to the extensive activity of Dr. Fritz Grobba, the German ambassador to Baghdad, and to the activity of the former mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin Husseini, who had fled to Iraq from Mandatory Palestine in October 1939 and begun inciting against the Iraqi Jews. The mufti had also worked with Iraqi subversive elements, including Rashid Ali, to overthrow Iraq’s ruling Hashemite monarchy and install a pro-Nazi regime.

As we in Israel and throughout the Jewish world everywhere process the tragic and painful consequences of the October 7th massacre in Southern Israel, we should always remember that this infamous date will join a long line of dates and events such as the Faroud on June 1-2, 1941 when Jews were murdered for no other reason than being Jews.

It is our imperative to give meaning to their deaths by not only commemorating but ensuring that we learn from the past and never forget.


  1. They can't answer for the earlier persecutions but Satmar and its friends claim that any anti-Jewish activity after 1880 is God first warning us about Zionism and then punishing us for it. No Zionist = No Farhud.

  2. Farhoud not Faroud
