Sunday, June 9, 2024

Chareidim in Beitar Beat Up a Chareidie IDF Soldier and Put him in the Hospital


A Chareidie soldier from the crime city of Beitar who was on his way to fulfill a security mission in the community Neve Daniel was violently attacked on Shabbos afternoon on Hill A by Shani Residents of the city.

The two shouted at him, "This army is annihilation," and then knocked him down and kicked him in the face.

The soldier was evacuated for medical treatment and is now hospitalized.

The identity of the attackers is known and a complaint has been filed with the police, and tomorrow a hearing will be held to extend their detention in the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court.

City officials and Rabbanim including Gedoilim from Beitar choose to remain silent 


  1. Why didn't the soldier use his gun?

  2. It sounds horrible but the article is vague about the details. What's the rest if the story? Any links?
