Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Chareidim destroy 80 sheitels in Yerushalayim wig shop attack


Jerusalem police are looking for the suspect in a wig shop attack who destroyed a large supply of wigs for Jewish women.

The Israeli branch of American wig shop, Dini Wigs, was trashed in the attack, with wigs cut up, graffitied, and windows smashed. The estimated damage is over one million shekels (more than £210,000).

In the early hours last Friday morning, an Orthodox Jewish man can be seen on the shop’s CCTV cameras pulling out a hammer and smashing the glass door of the luxury wig shop.

The suspect, whose face is exposed in the footage, arrived with a headlamp, hammer, and spray paint.

At 3am on Friday, security cameras alerted the shop manager that there had been a break in.

In a video shared by Kassy Dillon on X, formerly Twitter, shop assistant Ayalla said: “Someone came in overnight. He just came in to destroy and damage the wigs. They don’t know exactly why. But he chopped up wigs and sprayed all over the wigs with graffiti spray.”

“It was devastating. We put so much effort in to make people look so beautiful and help them cover their hair, enjoy themselves, look pretty and keep their religion.”

Dini has stores in the US, Israel, and France, and caters for Orthodox women who cover their hair, as well as people living with medical hair loss.

Ready to wear wigs from Dini cost between £1,500 and £5,000, but Ayalla said, “It is not only money, it is a destruction of handwork.” The wigs are handmade from real human hair.

Ayalla added, “There is a group of people that don’t want people to wear natural wigs. They want people to cover the hair with fabric and not with hair.”

Local press outlets have suggested that the suspect was acting on behalf of the “chastity guards”, a vigilante gang that operates in Charedi communities to enforce modesty through violence and intimidation.

Israeli police are looking for the suspect and Dini have changed their security system after the attack.


  1. Happened before:

  2. Not saying I agree with their tactics but let's be honest these wigs make a mockery of the purpose of the law that women ought not expose their hair with women as if not more attractive than with their real hair uncovered

  3. 5:06
    Who says?
    There were gedoilim that held like that, but most had no problem with a wig! Rebbetzin Kanivski wore a wig and so did most wives of the gedoilim.
    There is a bigger issue! It doesn't say anywhere in the Torah whether a woman should cover her hair with or without a wig, but what it does say explicitly in the Torah is an Issur De'Orisah of Lo Signov! There is another Issur DeOreisah of Lo Sigzal!
    There is also a Trilogy of "Bava" Mesachtas, namely, Bava Metzia, Bava Kamma, Bava Basra that deal with doing damage to someone's property!
    And there is a Mitzvas Esseh Midorisah of Vehavta Leriacha Komoicha!

  4. False analogy and you know it. R Kanievsky's wig (and those approved by gedolim) and these wigs are worlds apart.

  5. He is a disgusting human being. Who gave him permission to do this? When they catch him , he should be forced to pay the costs of his destruction as well as the loss of income to the owner.Make him wash floors on his knees until he pays every penny back. Even if it takes him a lifetime to do so. If he gets a jury trial ,I hope the judge will be able to give him this sentence or something more severe.

  6. 6:17
    "Approved by Gedoilim?" Which "Gedoilim?" Your "Gedoilim?"Who appointed them as a "gadol?"
    What the "H" are you blabbering about?

    Each "gadoil" caters to its own individual communities! No "gadol" can speak for other communities, they are not neveeim, or even bnei-neveeim, there is no Sanhedrin, if you "gadol' or "katan" wants to paskin on Sheitlach he can do so to his own 20 people kehillah! He is not my "gadol"

    Your "katan" has no right to tell someone else's wife what to wear. Let him worry about his own rebbitzin!

    And you weren't in the store and you have no clue what those shaitlach looked like. And even if YOUR "katanim" disapproved of them, the Isuurim De'Oreisas remain!

    You are proof positive of the disconnect of Chareidim from the rest of the Jewish people!
    But this will end hopefully soon when the Government starts drafting them, and cutting off their stipends!

  7. Like the meshugas about plastic spectacle frames and metal spectacle frames 10 years ago. One group ossered one, another group ossured the other. Imagine one group killing the other group because of glasses.

    1. Like Jonathan Swift's "Big-Endians" and "Little-Endians" arguing about which end of the cooked egg one should break. You can't make this stuff up.

    2. I think in this case, the problem is צניעות, but in the sense of conspicuous consumption and investing money and effort on frivolities. I wear hats and tichels myself, and I have always been stunned by how much those sheitels cost. How on earth do women afford them, let alone justify that kind of expense on frivolities? You could buy a *lot* of sfarim for that kind of money, or send your kids to a lot of chugim.

    3. Young Frum women are accountants, lawyers, doctors, software engineers etc. They get married later and use the money they earned to buy wigs that make them look professional and beautiful.
