Saturday, June 29, 2024

Cabinet Approves Smotrich’s Sanctions Against Palestinian Authority, Legalizing New Settlements


 Bezalel Smotrich met a Gaza envelope standby team, May 21, 2024

In response to the anti-Israel activity of the Palestinian Authority in the ICC, ICJ, and the UN – most recently pushing arrest warrants against Israeli leaders and soliciting the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian State by several countries, the Israeli government has decided on response measures proposed by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, including:


A basket of measures that includes canceling permits and benefits for PA officials; restricting the movement of PA officials to leave the country; punishing their incitement offenses; expelling PA senior officials; withdrawing legal powers from the PA in the Judean desert preservation and blocking the rampant illegal construction in the area; enforcement in area B against damage to heritage sites and environmental hazards, and more.


  • Evyatar in Samaria
  • Sde Ephraim in Binyamin
  • Givat Assaf in in Binyamin
  • Heletz in Gush Etzion
  • Adoraim in Mount Hebron


Publication of construction tenders and the convening of the Planning Council (MTA) to approve plans for thousands of housing units to be built in Judea and Samaria’s Jewish settlements.

Security Cabinet member Bezalel Smotrich stated: “After weeks of discussions, the Israeli government promotes an appropriate response to the anti-Israeli measures led by the Palestinian Authority. The sanctions against the Palestinian Authority and the promotion of settlements in all parts of our country are a clear message. We are establishing a new settlement for every country that unilaterally recognizes the Palestinian Authority as a state.

The Palestinian Authority joined Hamas in trying to harm Israel at home and abroad, and we will fight it.

And for those who needed proof, we got it on October 7: a Palestinian state in the heart of Israel would constitute an existential danger, and I for one will not allow such a catastrophe to be brought upon the State of Israel.

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