Sunday, May 19, 2024

Where is the Yated When We need them... Is the Iranian President Dead? or Alive?


Suddenly when it comes to a goy, a rasha, the Yated is silent!

 Are they waiting till the family is notified? 

Helllllllllow! Yated...... Anyone home?

Is the bastard dead? or alive? 

The entire world media is looking and waiting for answers from the Yated, and crickets... nothing... nada! 

We hear that Zaka is already on the way!!! 


Yated now says that the IDF warned them not to say anything until the families are notified! 


  1. May we hear good news

  2. Barack Hussein OsamaMay 19, 2024 at 7:32 PM

    DIN hasn't figured out yet that all he has to do monitor if Neturei Karta is reissing kreeah?

  3. ליצנותא דע"ז!!! Good stuff.
