Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Watch NK Weep, Kiss the photo of Raisi and are Menachem Avel



  1. These רשעים do not begin to understand the eventual punishment they will endure.
    They are rodfim and are חייב מיתה

  2. If the Chasidish world were so incensed at N. Karta sentiments for Iranian hatred of all Jews except for NK. there would be demonstrations on Shabbat at the shuls in the NK renegade apikorsim daven. That there aren’t any protests at the shuls in which they daven, show where chasidish sympathies lie.

    1. Are there protests outside trans#@& creatures places? Is that where their sympathies lie too?

    2. Anonymous 8:46PM

      The trans folks don’t grow chasidish long beards, don’t wear chasidish black garb and vyse zoken, shtreimels, and send their kids to chasidish yeshivas. Idiot.

  3. not to defend the nk reshaim, but maybe they can help free that bochur who is r"l sitting in prison on death row in iran...

  4. Throw all the tomatoes you want at me but much as I think that in the NK in general are a bunch of Resoyim and it takes a special degree of rishus to cry over a guy like Riasi I don't see any potential harm caused by this particular video. The guy they are crying over is dead anyway, they are not expressing any blood thirsty anti-Israel propaganda. If anything it will make Iranians more positively disposed to Jews

  5. 8:52
    You sick piece of drek! You don't see harm? Sicko!

  6. These psychopaths are probably not yiden kahalocho.
    Anyone can buy these hats and grow beard & payos.

  7. Disgusting. Are these actors?! It can't be!! How could they?! Vile!! Shameless!! Sickening!!
