Sunday, May 19, 2024

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will keep busing migrants to NYC

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed Saturday to continue bussing migrants to New York City — and took a shot at Mayor Eric Adams during a speech to the NRA.

“Unless and until Joe Biden does finally begin to enforce immigration laws I will continue to bus those migrants to sanctuary cities across the United States of America,” Abbott said to loud cheers while delivering remarks at the 2024 National Rifle Association convention in Dallas.

“Buncha hypocrites,” he added.

A woman in the crowd yelled at him to send the migrants to New York, to which he responded, “oh, they’re going to New York — trust me.”

The Republican governor then took a jab at hizzoner.

“Mayor Adams needs something to do,” Abbot said.

A spokesperson for Mayor Adams fired back, calling Abbott “a coward” for his bussing program.

“Governor Abbott is a coward who uses human beings as political pawns, and has done nothing while murder rates in Texas have skyrocketed under his lack of leadership,” the spokesperson told The Post in a statement.

“If anyone ‘needs something to do,’ it’s him,” they added.


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