Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Satmar Branch Called "Neturei Karta" Express “Shock And Sorrow” Over Iranian President’s Death


Neturei Karta published this message on their official Instagram account:

“With great shock and sorrow, our Jewish community true to the Torah from around the world received the sad news of the tragic passing of the honorable president of Iran, H.E. Ebrahim Raisi, and the foreign minister H.E. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their accompanying delegation. Iran has lost great leaders.

“As Jews, we mourn the loss of men who had a special friendship and expressed exceptional warmth and respect to Jews, the worldwide Jewish community, Judaism, and of course to the flourishing Jewish community in Iran. We as religious Jewish Rabbis have had the privilege to meet both of these great men, and we witnessed firsthand their wisdom, friendship and hospitality.

“May the Almighty with his compassion bring condolences to their families and to the entire Iranian nation, and may their souls be blessed by the Almighty and rest in peace. May God protect and bless Iran and guide them in this complex and difficult period. May Iran continue to be led into a bright future by blessed and just leaders.

“Rest in peace, President Ebrahim Raisi. You were an amazing leader to your people and to the great nation of Iran. You were also a wonderful human being with a good heart who wanted what was best for humanity. May you rest in peace. The world won’t be the same without you.


  1. These idiots can not accept HKBH will

  2. May they soon join him.

  3. These are the same people who propagated the regime's lies about when six of our Iranian brothers in faith being spies for Israel. Does this criminality have a precedent? When a Jew was framed up for killing a Gentile child, did any Jew think it was permissible to chime in with the anti-Semites?!

  4. Not fair of you to stick in Satmer within your headline

    1. Does Satmar condone their activities? If not Emmy are they dovening at Satmar shules asks their children go to study mosdos?

  5. This filthy rabies infected sewer rats are funded 100% by Satmar.
    Go into any Satmar Shull, you'll see these NK RATS shnorring money for their cause
