Sunday, May 12, 2024

Protesters call on ‘traitor’ Chuck Schumer to resign: ‘Chuck the Chuck’


 Israel supporters protested outside “traitor” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s office in Manhattan on Friday, calling on him to resign for “backstabbing” Israel and allegedly staying silent as antisemitism rages across college campuses. 

The demonstration came days after the New York senator told reporters he has “faith” in President Biden’s decision to withhold weapons for Israel’s invasion of Rafah, a move the protesters strongly condemned.

“Schumer, the doomer! It’s time to resign!” yelled the crowd outside his Midtown office. 

Upper East Side resident Silvia called Schumer a “sniveling coward” for not supporting Israel’s looming siege in Rafah.

“Start with the arms, the bottom line,” she told The Post. “Send as much arms to Israel as they do to Ukraine.”

“Schumer is like a rock, nothing will move him. He is what he is, a putrid human being,” said the 80-year-old.

A rep for Schumer pointed out that the senator recently helped pass $14 billion in direct aid to Israel. 

“These statements are lies. The senator just delivered $14 billion in aid Israel last week without conditions,” the spokesman said.

“And he immediately spoke on the Senate floor the moment Columbia protesters came into the building,” the rep added, referring to the storming of a campus building at Columbia University earlier this month.

But Manhattan real-estate worker Joseph Borgen said Schumer was “backstabbing” Israel for supporting Biden’s position on Rafah. 

“I would like to see him step up and stand up to President Biden,” he told The Post while draped in an Israeli flag. 

Attendees also held signs reading, “Schmuck you don’t represent American Jews,” and “Keffiyeh Chuckie is a disgrace.”

“Chuck the Chuck!” they screamed while waving Israeli and American flags. “Schumer is a traitor! Schumer is a traitor!”

The harsh words were in response to Schumer voicing support for Biden’s controversial decision as the Israel-Hamas war reached nearly seven months.

“I believe that Israel and America have an ironclad relationship, and I have faith in what the Biden administration is doing,” Schumer said Wednesday, according to a a report in The Hill.

Demonstrators were also angered by the ongoing antisemitism that has rocked college campuses, including a number of Big Apple schools.

“Antisemitism on college campuses has been blowing up out of control,” Syrian Jewish refugee Abraham Hamra, 36, told the demonstrators.

“Out of control, and Schumer has been silent! Not a word!”  Hamra claimed.

The Schumer rep noted that the senator publicly condemned the anti-Israel looting at Columbia University.

“Smashing windows with hammers and taking over university buildings is not free speech,” Schumer said last month. 

“It is lawlessness, and those who did it should promptly face the consequences that are not nearly a slap on the wrist.

“It is also unacceptable when Jewish students are being targeted for being Jewish, when protests exhibit verbal abuse, systemic intimidation or glorification of the murderous and hateful Hamas with violence of Oct. 7,” he added.


  1. Friedlander GroopMay 12, 2024 at 5:08 PM

    Chuckele is my good friend, we help each other for years already. Stop picking on big Liska Chasidim like Brad Lander, Jerry Nadler, Tim Kaine, Chuck Schumer already.

  2. The only reason he passed the Israel aid package is because it contained aid for Ukraine. Otherwise he had no intention of doing so.
