Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Poll: Smotrich & Ben-Gvir gaining strength, Sa’ar losing support


The National Unity party, led by Minister Benny Gantz, continues to lose strength and receives 29 seats in a Kan News survey.

The Likud party, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, wins 21 seats. Yesh Atid headed by Yair Lapid wins 15 seats, Yisrael Beytenu 11, Shas 10, Ben Gvir's Otzma Yehudit 9 and United Torah Judaism 7 seats.

In addition, Minister Bezalel Smotrich's party, Religious Zionism, continues to grow stronger and receives five seats. Gideon Sa'ar's party loses support and does not pass the electoral threshold.

The Hadash-Ta'al party headed by Ayman Odeh and Ahmed Tibi receives five seats, the United Arab List (Ra'am) and Meretz each receive four seats. Labor and Balad do not pass the threshold.

In another poll published this evening on Channel 12 News, the National Unity party receives 31 seats, Likud 18, Yesh Atid 15, Shas, Yisrael Beytenu and Otzma Yehudit received 10 seats each, United Torah Judaism 8, Hadash-Ta'al 5, Ra’am 5, Religious Zionism 4 and Meretz 4.

According to the survey, Gideon Sa'ar's party, Balad and Labor do not pass the electoral threshold.

1 comment:

  1. But don't forget the perpetual dilemma - yes, there might be a right/centre-right/centre majority but Gantz and Liberman will refuse to sit in a Bibi-led government and Bibi will never let Gantz be prime minister.
