Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Hundreds Counterprotesting Neturei Karta Outside Scheiner’s Shul In Monsey

A small protest by Neturei Karta outside Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim (Scheiner’s Shul) on Forshay Road in Monsey has sparked a massive counterprotest, with hundreds of people calling out the wicked reshaim for their public pro-Hamas stance.

The Neturei Karta protest was prompted by a special event at the shul, in which Yehuda Alon, a shemitta farmer and IDF veteran, provided a first-hand account of the October 7 atrocities by Hamas, as well as “an eye-opening discussion” with him about “the silent war that is threatening the existence of Israel as we know it,” according to a flyer announcing the event.

The small band of Hamas-supporting, Jew-garb-wearing terror-lovers was met with a fierce counterprotest. Numerous local, county, and even state police agencies are at the scene due to the huge crowds standing up against the evil baby-killer-kissers protesting in their own community.



  1. Asiatisher Marmorosher FerdMay 28, 2024 at 4:34 PM

    Do you have a count on how many NK greaseballs were there?

    Are the gray uniforms County Sheriff's Deputies or State Troopers?

  2. How hard is it to put them in cherem already?

  3. These filthy KAPO bastards have the HALACHIK DIN of a RODEF, these filthy rabies infected sewer rats need to be exterminated.
    Would we have had now a JDL, these monsters would be room temperature by now and six feet under.
