Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Chareidim Burn Israli Flag in Yerushlayim After the Yom HaZikoron Siren Get Arrested


  1. Send them all to Gaza!
    Selfish ingrates!

  2. Any denunciation of these creeps by any of our “ Gedolim”? Anybody? Even one?

    1. Sadly, we don't have real gedolim today. The litvaks, especially lakewood are busy with 2 things. Smart phones, and blaming women for anything bad. Skirts are too short, sheitels are too long, etc. They bitch about the shidduch crisis, but they created it. Our generation, children of survivors knew to learn a trade or get an education and then support a family. People were much happier. Its disgraceful how many boys are sitting in kollel and nit learning a word, just looking for a free ride.
