Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Rivka Heisler Speaks about her Challanges Navigating Being a Frum Single



  1. As a single guy (I was married, no kids) I find her very smart, sweet, articulate, accomplished and attractive, and it seems she is well put together.
    I am also accomplished, I am a lawyer in high tech, and learned in the best Yeshivas and have a very nice family, and have no problems getting any dates, but I still have not met the one I would want to spend the rest of my life with.
    Having said all that, I have a "big" problem with her being not just overweight but obese. She does address this up front, and says that this was a challenge for her throughout her life, but she doesn't want to hear that from the Shaddchanim!
    I am sure that even though she says she has accepted this and feels good about herself, which she should, she still doesn't get it! I had a weight issue before my first marriage, the shadchan told me up front that I needed to lose weight before she would entertain any further potential dates, I immediately left and went to a nutritionist and changed my entire way of life and lost all my weight in a matter of months and got engaged that year; I was heavier than her. She shouldn't accept herself the way she is, this is not healthy. If she wants to find someone and build a happy family, she needs to make radical changes in the way she eats ASAP! She is upset that the Shaddchan wants to set her up with someone who has similar challenges, why get upset? What should the Shaddchan do? Do something about it! For yourself, for your health!
    The only way I see her finding someone would be at work, with someone who got to know her and admires her brains etc, and would fall head over heels for her, but in the world she is in, even if she found someone, the guy would be reluctant to introduce her to his family.
    She needs a wake-up call! This video was great and I'm proud of her that she was candid, but it also showed that she refuses to put her finger on the "elephant in the room" and that is her obesity!

  2. What?? She is not obese. Shame on you! FYI camera adds 10 lbs. . She doesn’t have to fit the criteria of being anorexic to be a loving wife and mother. I find your comments to be very shallow and degrading. No one is forcing you to marry her. Hope you will find your thin wife and be happy with her thinness.
