Thursday, April 4, 2024

In the midst of war, leftist American rabbis abandon Israel and Judaism


Israel is in the midst of a fight for its life, and too many of its best men and women have been lost to this fight. Even as the world works so very hard to forget, we Jews will always remember how, on October 7, Israel suffered 1,200 dead, along with women raped, babies beheaded, young people burned to death, and hundreds of Israelis taken hostage.

Unfortunately, in response to the ongoing bloody struggle in Gaza, a group of 450 North Americans who claim to be “rabbis and cantors” have now signed a letter calling for an immediate ceasefire and surrender to the Arab barbarians who started this war.

An ancient tenet of Diaspora life has been to be careful to maintain Jewish unity, which provided some minimal security.

Apparently though, these “rabbis,” who proudly identify as women and gays and transgenders and white, black, purple and green, decided they need to goose step with their fellow leftists in condemning Israel.

In their March letter to US President Joe Biden, these leftist rabbis stated, “There is no military solution to this conflict….A ceasefire is the only reliable, proven means for securing the release of the remaining hostages and ensuring the provision of desperately needed humanitarian relief to Gaza.”

Particularly galling is a picture accompanying the news stories of these rabbis conducting morning prayers, decked out in prayer shawls and tefillin, while gathered near the White House. These are the same rabbis whose own congregations do not have morning prayers and rarely are able to gather a minyon of ten actual Jews.

And these rabbis repeat the leftist mantra that war cannot solve anything in Gaza. Well, learned rabbis, war did a pretty good job of settling affairs in Germany and Japan after World War II, as well as after Israel’s War of Independence, and don’t forget the results of the 1967 and 1973 wars.

So listen Rabbi Wokester, let’s talk.

Do you know that the free homes provided to you by your sucker congregants sit on land stolen from American Indians, as do your synagogues?

Maybe you need to have your synagogues’ social justice committees schedule a Friday night where you all sit on the floor in a circle in your synagogues, play guitars, eat kichel laced with Indian peyote, chant Indian songs to the wind gods, and pay one of your famed scholars-in-residence to spread their ignorance among your congregations of the ignorant.

Hey Rabbi Wokester… you know that when your patriotic grandfathers fought World War II they won by “disproportionately” killing the enemy?

Your beloved grandfathers burned the enemy to death in their cities, killed them in the fields, drove over them with tanks and, dear rabbis, your cherished grandfathers were forced by the needs of combat to kill German and Japanese soldiers as they surrendered.

Gee, leftist rabbis, that wasn’t fair of your grandfathers. Maybe you can say kaddish for German soldiers, as you publicly do for those “innocent” Gaza Arabs who wish us dead.

Ok leftist rabbis, this conversation is tough and you are excused for a moment so you can go change your trousers, dresses, or whatever you are wearing, depending on whether you decided, as is your woke fashion, that today you discovered that you are really men, women, zebras, armadillos or whatever.
In point of fact, leftist rabbis, we Jews know the truth about you, 

You have chosen not to be rabbis. Even worse, you offer legitimacy to congregations that have chosen not to observe Shabbat, study Torah texts, celebrate Jewish holidays, maintain kosher homes or properly educate their children.

And now, in yet another act of defilement as you bow to your pagan woke religion, you seek to separate yourselves from Judaism by not standing with those remarkable brave Jewish men and women fighting for their lives in Israel.

Of course, we do not need to hold one of your much-bragged-about advanced degrees to see how uncomfortable most of you leftist rabbis are when you are in the presence of real men in Israel.

But, in truth, we know you leftist rabbis only too well because we grew up with you. We know that with your terribly inadequate educations you might have become journalists, Hollywood writers, professors or some other worthless profession in which you peddled your meaningless words.

But instead, you pretend to be rabbis.

Well boys and girls, you made the choice not to behave like rabbis. Your congregations made their choices not to be synagogues, as they are, rather, community centers of like-minded lemmings and fools, including many non-Jews, bowing down to tikun olam, climate change, social justice, homosexual rights, equity, Black Lives Matter, and whatever else is this week’s leftist fashion.

But don’t believe me. Look at the leftist synagogue websites.

Routinely on those sites, when they introduce their rabbis it is to tell us that they are not scholars in Judaic text, but that they have instead worked in social justice and openly identify with some type of perversion.

In truth, every day we see many people who make a difference in the Jewish world. Since 1948, it has very often been those Jewish men and women who wore the uniform of Israel and fought to destroy our enemies.

Also making a difference are those blessed boys and girls studying in yeshivot and seminaries.
And of course, it is our real rabbis, who day in and out teach Torah texts and write learned commentaries and lead their congregants through the year, based upon living meaningful lives that follow the Jewish calendar.

These are called Jews.

What should we call those North American leftist rabbis who bow down to the gods of leftist fashion? Perhaps they are Hellenists, or followers of Marx or Freud or their beloved Bernie Sanders

But when they turn their backs on the Jews of Israel as we fight for our lives, we know for sure what these "rabbis" are not to be called.

And that is Jews.

Robert Harrisis a news editor who has worked in television and newspapers in the United States, Asia and the Middle East.


  1. This has been coming for a long time and October 7 was the line crossed.
    You can be Jewish or you can be a trendy leftist but not both.
    You can try. You can be an "AsaJew" but everyone now sees through that.
    You're the German Jew who, even as he was put on the train to Auschwitz, sang "Deutchland Uber Alles", the Soviet Jew who turned in dozens of Jews for being unfaithful to The State and then wondered why someone was mentioning taking you to the Gulag too.
    I wonder which came first - using a keffiyeh to imitate Jews wearing tallisim or using a tallis to imiate the keffiyeh

  2. They are our 'Eirev Rav'.
    We should be happy that they are leaving Judaism - it's like the 'natural selection' in favour of the Jewish people. Let us be rid of them and their ideologies.
    I also wonder how many of them and their adherents are actually halachic Jews - based on surveys and statistices on denominations other than Orthodox the answer is not many. Yet they position themselves as the progressive spokespersons of the Jewish nation! Unacceptable.
