Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Chareidim Join Hamas in Protesting Teaneck Jews


Chareidim? Aren't they Neturie Karta?  

Chareidim laugh them off as a harmless group, let them into their shuls, allow their mamzeirim into their Moisdois and marry their children! 

This event in Teaneck was for Zaka the organization that deals with the dead and is not in any way political, yet the Chareidim saw fit to join Hamas in protest.

The only Chareidim who came to this event were those who support Hamas! 

Chareidim in general will not mix with Modern Frum people except when they need to get away from their restrictive neighborhoods and come to "fress" in the Teaneck restaurants. Then its all kosher! 

On my last trip to the US, I was invited to a Sheva Brachos in a Teaneck restaurant; it was in a private room, as I glanced into the restaurant I saw loads of Chassidim at tables "fressing" and laughing and having a great time. When I inquired from the waiter, what was going on, he said they come every night mostly without their wives! 

So where were the "fressers" to support the Zaka Event? 


  1. I spoke to someone who was there. These mamzerim actually joined the pro israel supporters to daven mincha with them!! They should thrown him out on his fat hairy tuches.

  2. I was there. Someone paid to project loud Kosher Jewish music. We couldn’t hear a thing the Pro Hamas were shouting.The singing gave everyone חיזוק.The speaker was a Chareidi with an American accent. He is a member of MDA and a high ranking Zaka member.He trains Jews to be carpenters.He recently spoke at the U.N. as an eye witness to the murders of innocent seniors, children , and the horrible abuse to women even after they murdered them.

  3. DIN, this is silly. You know that the fressers without their wives are a bunch of batlonishe bums who just for starters are not makpid on heimishe shgooche like they are supposed to be. Someone whose first priority is to support his big boich is not going to be on the front lines for Israel, no matter what kind of levush he wears.
