Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Watch the Brave Muslim who murdered innocents in Russia turn into a Coward Screaming and Weeping Like a baby

 I hope the IDF watches this ... 

This is the moment one of the four terrorists who carried out the Moscow concert hall massacre cried and screamed as he was caught by Russian soldiers, who then went on to cut off his ear and make him eat it.

Russian border guards and FSB agents were seen furiously battering a man understood to be suspect Saidakrami Murodalii Rachabalizoda after chasing him through dense woodlands, in the 90-second-long clip shared to Telegram.

Moments later, an enraged soldier sliced off Rachabalizoda’s ear with a knife and forced him to eat it in a video too gruesome for MailOnline to publish.

Rachabalizoda is one of four ISIS terrorists who were charged  with terrorism, after they were caught, allegedly tortured and detained by Russian security services following the deadly attack at a Moscow concert hall on Friday night. 


  1. I dont hear anybody protesting the cruel treatment of muslims by Russians.....

  2. I demand Russia cimmmit to an immediate ceasefire with ISIL!

  3. Russian version of hamantashen.
