Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Chareidie in Meah Shearim Wears Palestinian Flag Tie, but Someone Tricked him and stole it!




  1. The chassidishe guy should not have been sporting a terrorist Hamas scarf - how repugnant, particularly during these trying times! So sad that he felt that he could just walk around his chassidishe community with impunity and not get called out by his community's members.They also share in this horrible shame.

    Conversely, it's obvious that the young man is intellectually challenged and it's deplorable how the gazlonim subsequently taunted him. It was almost like a sport to them, to see him get all aggravated and agitated. Yidden are supposed to have rachmonus and this video appears to display the exact opposite of that.

  2. Lakewood Baal'ChumraMarch 28, 2024 at 4:43 PM

    Why is it always Chareidie guys who are "intellectually challenged" choose the Palestinians? An "intellectually challenged" Chareidie could have easily just have chosen a Zionist flag! It seems that this "intellectually challenged" guy's hate against his fellow Jews is ingrained and embedded into him since he was a child!
    As far as "rachmonus" is concerned, Chazal already tackled that issue thousands of years ago
    שוטה אסור לרחם עליו
    You call those who grabbed away his tie "gazlonim?" You sick dog!
