Monday, February 26, 2024

Adi Zohar a pregnant Lady Shot in Mallei Adummim Describes her Miracle

Adi Zohar, who was severely injured in last week’s terror attack near Maaleh Adumim, spoke with the media Sunday about the amazing miracle she experienced.

“Thank Hashem, I am slowly recovering,” Mrs. Zohar, who is pregnant, said from her hospital bed. “I had a great miracle, and I want to focus on that. I got my life back.”

Mrs. Zohar described her harrowing experience during last week’s terror attack on Route 1, in vivid detail.

“I travel there every morning. I was waiting in the traffic jam.”

She described how she “was talking on the phone, and I noticed that the car in front of me suddenly rammed into the car ahead. I thought it was a strange accident, but within seconds the terrorist got out of the car as if he was possessed.”

“I saw his gun immediately, I started screaming to my aunt on the phone that they were going to shoot me because I had no way to avoid it. “He looked at me, I tried to slide down in my seat and I thought about my fetus and I said, ‘Shema Yisrael,’ and he fired at me, I saw blood on my shirt.”

“I didn’t feel the bullet hit me. I got out and tried to run away, and I later saw in the videos that the terrorist was close to me,” she added.

She recounted the horrific moments after she was shot. “I crawled on the ground and tried to reach other cars so they would know something happened to me, that I was hurt.”

“Because I was on all fours, most drivers didn’t open the door for me, they were scared. A nice woman let me into her car and, in the midst of the chaos, I managed to gather myself and told her, ‘I’m pregnant, they shot me, call an ambulance,'” she said.

“I experienced a miracle,” she said. “First of all, I’m still here. We’re now four days after the incident. The bullet hit in a very dangerous place, but both I and my unborn child are alive, and that’s what matters.”

Mrs. Zohar emphasized, “I had a miracle here. The shrapnel was in a dangerous place, and I and my fetus are alive. Everyone speaks about the moments before death, and that’s how I felt, and I thought about my two-year-old son who will have to grow up without me. Hashem was with me. The fact that I did not lose consciousness protected my fetus.”


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