Tuesday, January 23, 2024

London Police Tell 3 Jews Being Assaulted By A Mob That They’re “Too Busy” To Help Them


Three Israelis were attacked in Leicester Square in the heart of London by antisemitic thugs, with police then telling the victims that they were too busy to bother with their near-lynching.

Channel 12 reported that the incident began when the trio of Israelis – including one who was born and raised in Britain – were approached by several teens and asked whether they were Jewish. Upon hearing that they were, the teens began throwing glass bottles at them – including one of the three who had ironically removed his yarmulka to avoid being identified as Jewish prior to the assault.

The victims managed to flee to a side street and phone police, who made it clear that they couldn’t care less. According to the report, police told the victims that they were “too busy” to respond and that the victims should just “try to calm down.”

The attack in Leicester Square is part of a worrying trend of increasing antisemitic incidents in major cities around the world. In Britain alone, there has been a reported 2,039 antisemitic incidents in the two months following the attack. Similarly, Austria and the United States have witnessed increases of 300% and 388%, respectively, in reported antisemitic incidents.

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