Thursday, November 23, 2023

Watch the Soldier Return Home





  2. Whenever Israel has success pushing around on the field it has ripples across the globe
    hence Melei in Argentina ; Wilders in Holland
    That was too much already for the the internal strong pullers who hastily needed to shut it

    Shimon Peres once admitted :The real negotiations are never with the palestinians. It's really among ourselves.(however we smokescreen it) Same now.

    On Thu, Nov 23, Howard
    A number of Israeli commentators noted that Israel has forged a “deal with the devil,” and the announcement of a delay, only minutes after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and top defense officials held a press conference on the deal indicates how Israel itself is now being held hostage by Hamas.

    Many in Israel are furious about the ceasefire and blame Israel’s leaders for endangering the Israeli public and IDF soldiers by imposing a ceasefire in Gaza and releasing dangerous terrorists inside Israel. Many feel that the political and security leadership are giving in to the emotions [however justified] of the hostages’ families, most of whom are aligned with the left, to make a perilous decision – one that conveys a message of weakness to Israel’s enemies, increases the risks of additional abductions, chas v’chalilah, endangers the lives of IDF soldiers in Gaza, and puts the rest of the hostages in Gaza at risk.
