Sunday, July 16, 2023

Yanky Daskal Admits To Transporting a Frum 15-Year-Old Girl to Engage in Sex

Friday, July 14, 2023

Defendant was 58 Years Old at the Time of the Sexual Abuse

Earlier today, in federal court in Brooklyn, Jacob Daskal pleaded guilty to transportation of a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity.  Today’s proceeding was held before United States District Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis.  As part of his guilty plea, the defendant agreed to a sentence within the range of approximately 14 to 17 ½ years’ imprisonment. As part of the plea Daskal is required to register as a sex offender.

Breon Peace, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York announced the guilty plea.  


“The defendant has admitted he abused his power, trust and position in the community by committing deplorable acts against a child in his care,” stated United States Attorney Peace.  “We want victims everywhere to hear this guilty plea as our Office’s continued declaration that no one is above the law and we will bring those who violate our children to justice.” 

Mr. Peace expressed his appreciation for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Field Office, the Kings County District Attorney’s Office and the New York City Police Department.

As set forth in court filings, the defendant was the head of the Boro Park Shomrim Society (the “Shomrim”), a private, Orthodox Jewish crime-patrol group associated with the New York Police Department.  In the spring of 2017, as a result of his position with the Shomrim, the defendant was connected to a 15-year-old girl, whom he took into his home and groomed for sex.  Between August and November 2017, the defendant, then 58 years-old, subjected the 15-year-old victim to sexual acts. 

During the summer of 2017, the sexual conduct occurred primarily at Daskal’s house in Brooklyn, New York and at his summer house in South Fallsburg, New York.  The defendant frequently transported the victim between those locations by way of New Jersey.   At the end of August, the defendant, his family and the victim returned full-time to his house in Brooklyn, where the abuse continued.  As the school year started, the defendant helped the victim find a new school in Chicago, Illinois, and, in October 2017, she moved there to attend that school and live with another family.  While the victim was in Chicago, the defendant communicated with the victim via text message and over Skype video chat.  On or about November 5, 2017, the defendant traveled to Chicago for a day trip to visit the victim.  The defendant booked a hotel room in Chicago, and he brought the victim to the hotel for sexual intercourse and oral sex.  He flew back to New York that evening.

Throughout the abuse, the defendant instructed the victim to delete their communications and warned her not to tell anyone about their sexual relationship.  The defendant also used his position as a leader in their community to quiet the victim, bragging about his connections to law enforcement and warning her that it would ruin her life if she told anyone about their relationship. 

The government’s case is being handled by the office’s Civil Rights Section.  Assistant United States Attorneys Erin Reid and Genny Ngai are in charge of the prosecution with assistance from Litigation Analyst Ryan Costley. 

The Defendant:

Age:  64
New York

E.D.N.Y. Docket No. 21-110 (NGG)


  1. Kind of interesting That He settled the case With what seems like quite a long sentence. Seems like The Weberman case May have led his Defense To make this deal. Weberman Got like 50 years

  2. After the uproar here, the absurd hafroshas challah fundraiser for the pedophile was cancelled!

  3. He knew the evidence against him was overwhelming

  4. A lesson for everyone don't be a chazir!

  5. You could see that he's a bum. As he's the only one from this Hasidic family not wearing a hat

  6. His wife needed to hit the gym, get control of her diet, and visit a plastic surgeon for a face list. She allowed herself to look like nothing at all. That is not an excuse, for his deplorable/criminal/ sick behavior. But all women need to know they have a responsibility. It's not necessarily to "stand by your man" after he has been exposed to be a sicko, but before that.
