Monday, May 15, 2023

The Bochur Who Found 130,000 Shekel At Bus Stop and returned it to a Chilonie

 The following is the letter from the Chilonie on Israeli Social Media, I loosely translated it 

"I forgot a bag containing 130,000 shekels in cash near a bus stop in Haifa

I came back after about half an hour completely giving up on ever finding  it again
There sat the guy in the picture
And he asked me if he could help me, I told him the story and he tells me this: 

I came here 25 minutes ago and I saw the bag, I opened it and I see quite a sum of money, I told myself that I'm waiting here for fifteen minutes, and if the guy doesn't come, I'll put a note with a cell phone number to get me. I said a chapter of Tehillim so that the guy that lost it would come quickly and it wasn't even 10 minutes and you are here now, just give me signs that it is yours and I will run to daven.
I told him a few signs and he handed me the money without missing a single bill.
Until the moment I finished counting, I didn't believe it was with me and that I would find it at all 
{I was so  anti-Haredi, but no longer} I wanted to give him a nice sum as a reward , but he absolutely refused; He said it was his mitzvah.

I couldn't leave him until I took a photograph  of him ..."

 Yes, there should be more such people in the world

Ziv Shapira


  1. 130 shek or 130,000 shek?

  2. Yes, there should be many more people like him in the world.

  3. Mi kiamcha yisrael. Chareidi? chiloni?

  4. You’d probably keep it.

  5. This is an old story

  6. קידוש השם ממדרגה עליונה
    קיום מצות השבת אבדה לא מגיע כל יום
