Friday, April 14, 2023

Pesach Program in Stamford Connecticut has more than Dozen Vehicles Burn , 1,000 Guests Evacuated From Hotel


More than a dozen vehicles were damaged or destroyed in a big fire at the parking lot of the Armon Hotel in Stamford Connecticut where the “Chop A Nosh” Pesach program was held.

Fire alarms began ringing at around 5:00AM, forcing more than 1,000 guests out of the hotel and into the street.

Fire officials said the structure had been compromised and firefighters were ordered to get out of the garage, according to the fire department. They fought the fire from outside.

A guest at the hotel said: “Attendees were evacuated to the front lobby outdoors, including elderly and newborns. Everyone was well behaved, and Davening started outdoors at 8:00AM when the building was deemed safe. By 10:30AM, guests were allowed back to their rooms.

Bichasdei Hashem, no injuries were reported, although some were scared or cold this morning. The kitchen was shut down due to carbon monoxide levels, but Chop A Nosh still managed to create a lavish buffet for all.

Most of all, it was a tremendous Kiddush Hashem, with over 1,000 men, women and children all helping each other, and everyone evacuating in an orderly manner.

The Stamford fire marshal is investigating.


  1. The antithesis of Meron!

    1. In Yiddish they say er hut de cup offen plotz

  2. Sounds like it’s another electric vehicle going up in flames.

  3. Still a “lavish buffet was served” - the violins play while the titanic sinks…

  4. "the violins play while the titanic sinks"

    It was a pleasure to Fress with you, gentlemen!
