Monday, April 17, 2023

Lipa Schmeltzer Leaves Mourners of Michael Schnitzler Spellbound in Yiddish Eulogy

 I was very impressed, yes impressed when he repeated twice that this was a great loss to  Schnitzler's z"l Instagram followers !

The late Michael Schnitzler made it his business to comfort and support those who needed special love, chizuk and sympathy. Though he himself had many personal issues, he never let on that he had his own demons but reached out to those who needed reaching out. 
Thank you, Lipa for saying what needed to be said and not letting the big rabbis at the funeral intimidate you ! Kol Hakovod! 
May Michoel rest in peace and may he sing in heaven to open the gates of rachamim for the entire Jewish community.!  


  1. What were all of his personal issues that everyone was talking about?

    1. There were times he didn't put negel Vassar by his bed, because he used to step in it when he woke up.

  2. For us non yiddishists can we get a translation?

  3. WOW so powerful and true

  4. A sweet voice emanating from a sweet neshomo. Nothing can compare with the zechus of encouraging broken souls. חבל על דאבדין and you see Lipa's heart is in the right place.
