Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Leo Dee asks Sadigora Rebbe to Wave Israeli Flag and recite Hallel on Yom Hatzmeot


 During the course of a condolence visit by the Sadigura Rebbe of Jerusalem to Rabbi Leo Dee, who lost his wife and two daughters in a terrorist attack on Pesach, Rabbi Dee made an unusual request of the rebbe.

Firstly he asked the Rebbe if he waves the Israeli flag and the rebbe responded positively. Afterwards he asked if the rebbe would be willing to recite Hallel on Israel’s 75th independence day, which falls at the end of next week.

The rebbe responded by telling a story from his great-uncle, who was the Sadigura rebbe after the Holocaust.

“My uncle lived in Vienna between the First and Second World Wars,” he said. “When the Nazis rose to power, they brought him to the streets of Vienna to clean the streets. He made a promise and said, ‘If G-d will be with me, and the Master of the World saves me from this horror, when I reach the Land of Israel, I will clean the streets of Israel.”

The Sadigora Rebbe continued, “When he managed to escape to Palestine, he indeed got up early in the morning and cleaned the streets of Tel Aviv. He did not tell anyone the reason why he did it, even when his followers questioned him as to why he was doing this.”

“This custom, of a love of the Land of Israel, is in our blood. And I think that we need to work more on loving every Jew, no matter how he dresses or what his opinions are. We will take this upon ourselves, and I think that the Hallel will come on its own,” he concluded.


  1. Damned good answer.

  2. Beautiful answer, tone deaf request.

  3. Raboysei! Please don't bash this grieving dad. DIN made it very clear a couple of posts up that he will not tolerate any of it!

  4. Never mind saying HALLEL, he should have asked him to at least say a MI SHEBERACH in his SHULL for our precious soldiers who are putting their lives on line each and every day.
    Wonder what he would have answered for that request.

  5. If only if would have grilled gantz like that
