Sunday, April 2, 2023

Ambassador Nides Sits With the Convicted Felon Ehud Olmert As Long As he is Against Netanyahu


Last Tuesday, US Ambassador Tom Nides told Army Radio (US Ambassador: Netanyahu Will Be Invited to the White House after Passover) that Benjamin Netanyahu “is the prime minister, he is in charge, he was democratically elected, he is the prime minister of this country and the president has confidence that he will do the right thing.”

Also last week, an image that was posted by Itay a Lapid Official on Instagram featured mostly Itay, in a restaurant, but behind him sat Ambassador Nides and Ehud Olmert, one of the hardcore organizers of the anarchist protests. In fact, Olmert, who did a stint in a white-collar prison cell on corruption, is on the record as advocating moving the protests to real war, head-to-head war, the whole combat thing.

Olmert did his IDF service writing for the IDF magazine. Yair Lapid also did his army service there. Probably not much hand-to-hand combat was involved.

Now, this could be Photoshopped fake news, but according to Channel 14th Gilad Zwick, he inquired with the former prime minister/convict, who orchestrated the expulsion of some 8,000 Jews from Gush Katif back in 2005, and confirmed: “I had lunch with the American ambassador and we really enjoyed the food.”

Olmert was not the only man with violent ideations at that table. On March 3, Nides told reporters about Minister Bezalel Smotrich: “I’m really angry with him, he’s stupid. He has a flight to Washington with [Israeli businessman and former Likud MK] Danny Naveh and if I could, I’d throw him off the plane.”

Temper, Mr. Ambassador.

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