Monday, January 16, 2023

Toldos Avrom Yitzchok Rebbe Instigatated Riot Against Cell Phone Store in Geula

Yes, we are doomed. Until now, people said, "Ah! It's only a couple of mishagaim" Well that myth has been totally destroyed when the "rebbe" himself showed up. 

The rebbe should be arrested and his followers drafted in the army. The rebbe knew very well that these "protests" would turn into violence and yet he led the procession, he should be investigated for the arsons perpetrated on the Geula Cell Phone stores. I now strongly believe that he was behind it at worst and nodded his approval at best. This rebbe never actually worked a day in his life for a living and has no clue what it takes to establish a business. This Cell Phone store carries only kosher phones, but the owner refuses to cave into demands to the Mafia, so they dragged the old rebbe to raise the stakes.    A few days in prison with some Achmuds and Mohammeds will give him a perspective what real life is all about!

במקום שיש חילול השם אין חולקין כבוד לרב 

On Sunday evening, about a thousand protesters demonstrated against a cell phone in the Geula neighborhood in Jerusalem. Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Chassidim went to the store to demonstrate, led by the Rebbe, who himself came to demonstrate in front of the store.

Within a short time, the demonstration turned into a mass protest, with hundreds more gathering in front of the store, which was already closed. Shocking video footage from the scene show clashes between police and the demonstrators.

In the videos, a group of mounted police can be seen galloping through the crowd of Charedi protesters. National security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir asked Commissioner Kobi Shabtai to investigate the officers’ conduct and discern whether the use of force was justified.

The police released a statement, which says in part: “At the beginning…police allowed the demonstration to take place lawfully, but at one point, protesters…tried to damage the cell phone shop while physically pushing the officers who separated between them and the shop.

“…criminals sprayed pepper spray and threw eggs at the officers…The riots continued while eggs and other objects continued to be thrown at officers; police forces pushed the rioters away and detained one suspect caught throwing eggs at officers…”


  1. Whether or not the TA"Y Rebbe shlita actually instigated or play a role in the riots is beside the point. The reality is that the internet is severely damaging klal yisrael in many different ways and is goirem erlicher yidden and their families to severe aveiros, is ruining their temimus and purity, and that's the ones that don't go OTD. If a person wants internet, why should they bring it publicly into an area where the majority of people are against it and trying to preserve their holy way of life. Especially in the guelah/ meah shearim areas, where they know that the charedim their are yerushalmi yidden and are the most intense in eretz yisrael. They could just open the store in a dati leumi or chiloni area on rechov yaffo etc. We all know what happened 75 years ago as a result of assimilation and we don't want that happening again.

  2. 7:53
    It seems you "ploider" without actually reading the post.
    The Cell Phone store in Geula sells Kosher phones exclusively! They refuse to pay "protection" money to the Toldos Aharon parasites! Having said that, anyone who wants a smartphone knows where to get one.
    Don't "shlitah" me on the rebbe !
    He is an unrepentant instigator and just a month ago, one of his "farshtinkina" chassidim, a grown man of 21, with the help of a 16 year old Toldos Aahron "sorer umorah" pushed a flaming garbage can down the street and almost killed a mother of 11!

    In addition, another one of his "farkakter" dreks, burned down a Cell phone store in Geula, a store that also exclusively sold kosher phones and who wouldn't bow down to these "roitzchim, a family of 12 that lived upstairs barely got out with their lives.
    Save the "shlita" stuff for erlicha yidin.
    Yes the internet is a problem but this rebbe a חוטא ומחטא את הרבים will not solve the problem and he wouldn't know where to begin.

  3. 7:53
    It seems that you are spreading Loshon Hara on the dati leumi community by bundling "chilonim" with "Dati Leumi"
    I can tell you first hand and I live in the Gush, that in the 20 some odd years that I live there, not one went OTD! But my own cousins who are Toldos Aaron talmidim & talmidot went off, and one married an Arab guy. Those who live in Eretz Yisrael know that the assimilation rate in Israel is practically zero, but if you ask Yad Leachim they will tell you that most of the girls who run off with Arabs come from Charedie chassidishe homes. These girls never had the internet at home and never owned smartphones, they met these Arabs at the local grocery stores and in at least two cases the Arabs actually worked in the Yeshivois themselves.
    Before you disparage the beautiful Dati Leumi community , learn the facts ! Most of those going OTD do not come from the Dati Leumi communities but come from the restricted Charedie communities and this fact is an open secret!

  4. * @anonymous ironically toldos avrohom yitzchok has a connection to dati leumi, he is actually diet toldos aharon because he learnt in viznitz.

  5. most of the dati leumi aren't frum enough in the first place to go off the derech. for them they just slide between identities.
    what a charedi would never consider doing in a thousand years, a dati leumi does every day, just by being in a coed classroom. there are many, if not most charedim, who in their entire lifetime have never even spoken to a woman outside of their immediate family, and never even made eye contact with a woman besides their immediate family.
    the dati leumi have a "yeshiva" with a "rosh yeshiva" which is a film school
    (ma'aleh film school of tv and arts, rabbi mordechai vardi).
    their are serious dati leumi bnei torah in har hamor, but that's about it.
    the rest of the dati leumi community looks like an aborted fetus version of judaism.
    the dati leumi are busy have having panel discussions about lgbtq rights for dati people, or graffitiing arab houses while listening to carlebach, while the yungeliet in lakewood and mir are finishing shas bavli and yerushalmi and writing the future seforim that klal yisrael paskens out of.
    rav kook ztzl fought the mizrachi and fishman-maimon and held women weren't allowed to vote. that's without getting into all the lashon hora about reb tzik kook's distortions of his fathers can go on and on about how the mizrachniks distorted rav kook's ztzls legacy...the point is that the charedim are trying to be holy, while the dati leumi are trying to keep their 50 cent piece kippahs stuck to their bald heads as they run to the movies right after "shabbat" ends.

  6. 11:14
    Since I come from both worlds so to speak, I believe I am a more reliable source than you.
    A society that doesn't look at women and keeps them separate is not a normal one at all,; actually depraved and they are not "holy" they are sick!.

    My entire immediate family lives in New Square, and I can tell you that New Square is a nest of incest and homosexuality.
    In Meah Shearim it is common for boys to perform sodomy on each other, and it became so bad that they had to put "shoimrim" in the Mikvah. In Bnei-Brak they no longer allow anyone under the age of 13 to go to the mikva without being accompanied by a father or a sibling. In Williamsburg pedophilla is very common, it's no secret that 2 out of three women living there have been molested or abused.
    Ger is the worst if one can even imagine that, they medicate teenagers to suppress their natural raging hormones, a lot have committed suicide. Chassanim have to sign a paper that regulates how many times they can have relations with their wives, we are not talking when their wives are a "niddah" we are talking during permissible times!
    In the Yeshivishe circles, it is not any better. It was the Yeshivishe and Bnei-Brak milieu that spawned a sick rapist like Walder and Leifer.The married women that went to him, had never owned a smartphone or were in any way exposed to the internet, yet the women committed adultery.This was not one married lady but multiple women who had to leave their families because they were given divorces. Some of these women were later interviewed and all said that allowed themselves to be seduced only because they thought that if a frum rabbi said it was ok, then it had to be "Daas Torah" and kosher! In the 70's Telz Yeshiva was a hotbed and a nest of depraved bochrim committing sodomy!
    It is therefore no surprise that teenagers with raging hormones from these communities, who have no outlet, and cannot even explain what is happening to them, will riot at the drop of a hat. They have no other outside interests. The vast majority of these rioters are unlearned, amai ratzim, and will grow up as parasites that will suck the economy dry. This is not sustainable.
    When a rebbe like the Toldos Aaron comes to a riot to support his degenerates, he does it to keep them occupied. If you took his fierce hatred of the State of Israel away from him, he would have nothing to sell. His entire following relies on handouts

    As far as your ignorant comment that "yungeliet in lakewood and mir are finishing shas bavli and yerushalmi and writing the future seforim that klal yisrael paskens out of" that is of course disingenuous, and you actually know that. It could be they are finishing shas and writing seforim, but Mir and Lakewood has produced almost zero gedoilim. All those tens of thousands, and maybe one or maybe two have emerged. Pathetic!
    The Chassidishe velt is fighting like dogs on who is the real rebbe, in the Litvisher World the OLD Gedoilim have died out and they cannot find amongst those learners one Gadol to lead them.
    I will answer your lying deceiving Dati Leumi rant in another comment!

  7. 11:14
    Your comment:
    "rav kook ztzl fought the mizrachi and fishman-maimon and held women weren't allowed to vote. that's without getting into all the lashon hora about reb tzik kook's distortions of his fathers can go on and on about how the mizrachniks distorted rav kook's ztzls legacy.."
    I love you hypocrites!
    First you're all Kooknics by stating:
    "Rav Kook fought the Mizrachi and held women weren't allowed to vote" and "the Mizrachniks distorted Rav Kook's legacy"
    But it was you guys that actually destroyed Rav Kook z"l when he was alive and well, he got sick and died young because of the Chareidim and not the Mizrachists! After he passed away it was the hypocritical Chareidim that took out all his Haskomas of at least 275 different sefarim and destroyed totally his legacy!
    His name in all Chareidie circles is mud and you have the chutzpah of saying that the MIzrachists "destroyed Rav Kook's z"l legacy? What a lie! Shame on you! You have no credibility at all!

  8. @ dont know basic history...rav kook ztzl died at age 69-70 of stomach cancer in 1935, which was actually well above the average lifespan for a man born in the mid 19th century. the talmidim of rav kook ztzl actually took it as a good sign that rav kook was a true tzaddik because the gemara in kesubos says that a siman of someone who dies is a tzadik is "cholei maayin" (stomach sicknesses). until rav ym charlop was rosh yeshiva of merkaz harav, many litvishe gedolim still had shaychus to rav kook's tzibbur, including rav hutner, rav elyashiv, rav tzvi pesach frank, rav aryeh levin, and rav shlomo zalman auerbach.

    the brisker rav held of rav charlop because he was a talmid of the maharil diskin and his father was a dayan on the badatz of the maharil diskin. rav kook's organization was "degel yerushalayim", which was totally independent of the agudah and the mizrachi. even rav shach had more shaychus to mizrachi because he was a ram at yeshivat hadarom until the c'i'ztzl told him to leave.

    the kanoim and the manhig hador rshkbhg satmar rebbe ztzkl where the ones who totally wiped out rav kook ztzl in the charedi tzibbur and reb tzik kook and the mizrachi, along with kahanist elements, and the tumahdike y.u. american modern orthodoxy crowd came to the front and ruined rav kook ztzl for the dati tzibbur. you really think todays dati leumi community is living up to what rav kook ztzl wanted?

  9. 3:54
    Wow! Wow!You win the "Distortion History 101" contest!
    על ראשון, ראשון
    Even the fact that Rav Kook died heartbroken at a relatively young age, these ant- Kooknics will take that and distort.
    Let's first go thru the rabbis you brought up, ok?
    Rav Charlop Passed away at 93
    Rav Aryeh Levin 84
    Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank 87
    Rav Eliyashiv 102
    Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach 84
    Lets see the rabbanim who lived during his time:
    Rav Soninfeld 84
    Rav Shmuel Salant 93
    Rav Davis Cohen the Nazir 85

    These Kook/Distortedness didn't let him live, and now they wont let him die!

    You are a revisionist trying to convince us that it is the MO that are distorting Rav Kook, what Chutzpah!
    One doesn't have to be a genius to know that the Chareidim, I'm not including Satmar Rebbe that even referred to the Lubavitcher Rebbe as the"oso Haa'ish"..I'm talking about the jealous Yerushlayim Chareidim that were "mevaza" him and totally distroyed him and yes, shortened his life.
    It is the Mizrachists and the MO world that is learning Rav Kook's sefarim and keeping his legacy alive, while the Chassidishe and Litvishe world distroyed him both "bechyav and be'meesosah"
    May they burn in hell with the Arab virgins.

  10. 3:54
    What a convoluted meshiginar!
    This 3:54 guy is trying to convince us that those learning Rav' Kook's works are the one distorting Rav Kook z"l and the ones who call him "Ym"s" and erased him from history are the ones who are the "Real Kooknics"

  11. i am not the messiah!January 18, 2023 at 8:08 PM

    @brisker payois i think 3:54 is just saying that rav kook had an independent derech and legacy which is skewered by both the Haredim and by the dati leumi.
    This was/is was the general problem with understanding rav kook, that he was such a genius nobody could truly understand him, as he himself once said that no-one truly understood him. a documented problem with his seforim is that many of his seforim take the reader all over the place with no clear direction. it is hard to know what rav kook wanted as he himself said he was confused about what he wrote in the "shmoneh kvatzim". the people would complain about asking shailos to rav kook because he often vacillated and provided no clear direction and wasn't decisive. in fact the 7th chabad rebbe said that rav kooks problem was that he tried to do too much by integrating everything into his new theological system, and that is why he wasnt successful.

  12. 8:08
    That's why we "Kooknics" will go up to the Hat Habayis even-though Rav Kook z"l was against it because as you said "people would complain about asking shailos to rav kook because he often vacillated and provided no clear direction and wasn't decisive" that is precisely why we think that if the State would have been established in his lifetime, and the Har Habayit would be in Jewish hands, he would have allowed it! Thanks for clarifying!
