Friday, January 13, 2023

Lady Amazed to What a Rosh Yeshiva Told Her Friend



  1. why do you believe this? maybe she made up the story for social media views, or at the very least got the details wrong. why would a rosh yeshiva of the mir, one of the most high profile positions in the orthodox jewish world knowingly publicly reveal that, let alone speak to a woman? sounds strange.

  2. Wow!
    This site often publicizes the "stupidities" in frum circles. So that's what I was expecting.
    After watching this, I paused and tears of proudness came to my eyes. DIN, thank you for this clip, it's very precious. Have a gut shabbos.

  3. What's wrong with asking for a brocho ?... Maybe the Rosh Yeshiva dafka omitted to tell her that his boy is just 10 years-old ?!

    It was a famous story a few years ago about a major Menahel collecting funds for his moisdos and at the dinner he said that he has 5000 kids not putting on Tefilin: 2000 young boys and 3000 sem girls.

  4. I know someone who wants to comment here and when they press publish it says "an error occurred while trying to publish your comment"....why is this happening ?

  5. these comments are cynical at best, and sour grapes at their worst
