Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Monsey Women Under Attack by Goyim shooting them with BB-Guns & Eggs


  1. I can't figure out why the Jewish residents of Monsey can't see the "writing on the wall". Why stay and put your lives in danger. The anti semitism won't go away...ever. Time to leave and join the rest of us who left and returned to the Jewish homeland.

  2. We are still in golus even in Der goldiner Medina

  3. I’d rather eggs and bb than knife stabbing. Enjoy your geulah! I’ll stick to waiting for the actual gehula bimheirah

  4. And will you kindly explain what “the writing on the wall” is in Israel during stabbing and shooting attacks that happened? May hashem protect us all!

  5. 3:31 & 3:37
    Words right out of the mouths of the meraglim
    עמלק יושב בארץ הנגב והחתי והיבוסי והאמרי יושב בהר והכנעני יושב על הים ועל יד הירדן

    BTW more Jews were murdered in the US in the last two years than the last 8 years in Israel despite over 4,000 missiles thrown at them

  6. No I’m just responding to a silly comment suggesting to be a navi that egg throwing is hashem telling us to move to Israel. Just dumb
