This is nothing compared to Paysach Krohn & his sadistic Gomco clamp which the gedolei Eretz Yisroel poskened possels both the Bris Milah & any lowlife mohel who tortures infants with it. Rabbi Yudel Shain has been sounding the alarm against Krohn who has been caught using it on multiple occasions.
Luv it!
ReplyDeleteThis is nothing compared to Paysach Krohn & his sadistic Gomco clamp which the gedolei Eretz Yisroel poskened possels both the Bris Milah & any lowlife mohel who tortures infants with it. Rabbi Yudel Shain has been sounding the alarm against Krohn who has been caught using it on multiple occasions.
For once, DIN can even agree with Satmar, who went after Krohn, infuriated that the scumbag was using the clamp.
Yuck. Such sick people
ReplyDeleteBig poskim shrei against the sadistic Krohn method starting sometime in the 12th minute
It is intended to bring shalom bayis to kinky heimishe couples.
ReplyDeleteIt says "Malchus", not "Malkos"