Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Chistar Rebbe's Sexual Molestation Charges Officially Released


In an almost surreal twist, the Rabbi arrested last month on child molestation charges is the father-in-law of Malka Leifer, who is currently awaiting trial in Australia on dozens of charges, stemming from her work as a principal in Melbourne.

Baruch Leifer, Rabbi in the Chust Chassidus, has been accused of multiple indecent acts against a 12 year old female relative, in addition to inappropriate acts against other children. According to media reports, many of the alleged acts happened too long ago to be prosecuted, due to the statute of limitations.

Although Baruch Leifer was arrested last month, a gag order prevented his name from being released, until a request was made by Kan News to make it public. That request was granted on Monday.

Leifer’s daughter-in-law Malka is slated to stand trial on 70 charges of extreme immorality against children at an Australian Charedi school, taking place between 2004 and 2008.

Leifer had fled to Israel after the allegations surfaced in 2008. She was extradited to Australia in January 2021.

Last month, MK Yaakov Litzman pled guilty to breach of public trust in the Leifer matter. He is suspected of stalling her extradition to Australia by pressuring a top psychiatric official to falsely declare her mentally unfit to stand trial.


  1. This animal is originally from America, he was a known pedophile molesters and child rapist for years and years, but of course as usual was not reported to the Police.

  2. Thank You Hashem for sparing me this yetzer hara to molest another person therby ruining them

  3. Another Nadvorna rebbelehFebruary 15, 2022 at 6:10 PM

    This is Nadvorna. When you see the name Leifer = Nadvorna.

    A bunch of clowns, if not outright criminals. Nadvorna has the most Rebbes of any Hasidic sect it seems, however, since many of them operate under other monikers, for business purposes, as in this case, some people don't realize their common background.

  4. Liska Nadvirna connectionFebruary 16, 2022 at 5:40 PM

    Travel agent Yussie Leifer of Traveler's Choice, cousin of Pinchus Ezra Friedlander.

  5. Is Yussie the alter shmageggie 13th Ave travel agency owner who was luring grushos in their 20s from internet chatrooms to come meet him at work where he propositioned them with mezumen for intimate encounters?
