Wednesday, January 5, 2022

MK Pindris "Those abused should never go to police ... because if they do many Chareidim willing be sitting in prison"


פינדרוס לא רוצה שיפנו למשטרה במקרה של פגיעה - חושש שהרבה חרדים יישבו בבתי הסוהר


  1. What is better sitzen in tfeessa because you are a rodef or has vesholam sitzen shiva because your kids committed suicide or went otd

  2. Skip my previous comment. I see what you mean. Just that the headline was rather sensationalistic.

  3. OK, this is getting ridiculous. Skip my previous skipping. He says that there are legitimate batei din to which a complainant should go (and presumably not to the police, although that's not 100% clear to me). But he doesn't make any comment about chareidim sitting in prison.

  4. don't understand modern hebrew when spoken rapidly.
    But can't imagine him saying this publicly especially on a T.V interview even if he had that sick view.
    could someone confirm if he actually said it

  5. 3:10
    What he said is that the police also do nothing and what will happen? The Abuser will get his name dirty and his family will suffer.. and they will go to prison based on unproven charges. Many of our community will be in prison.

    But that is absolutely false. Because there is a law in Israel that no one's name can be made public before a conviction. Walder's name became public because the victims did not go to police, they went to Rabinowitz a reporter for Haaretz, he interviewed 3 victims, and after he was 100% convinced they were telling the truth, he exposed Walder without worrying that Walder would sue the paper for slander. Haaretz may be a lying fake news newspaper and also chareidie haters, but they would never ever report and expose a private citizen unless they did their diligence. If this was a lie Walder could have sued Haaretz for millions and would have won. But he knew that every word of the victims was 100% accurate.
    Berland's name went public because again the victims made it public and he also ran all over the world so not to get arrested, which got the media's attention.

    There are now 3 known Roshei Yeshiva facing molest charges.. did you hear the names? No... because the police are prohibited from disclosing their identity until conviction.
    Will this come out before conviction? Probably yes. I know who they are, and if I know you can be sure many know as there were neighbors who watched the arrest. And if the victims think that this will take too long they will for sure talk.
