Monday, September 13, 2021

Watch Premishlaner Rebbe perform "Darkei Amoirie" Pagen Ritual



  1. Simply trying to do what it says in shulchan aruch, like a good posheter yid, like his father grandfather etc..
    And gets attacked by another yid with a chip on his shoulder

  2. Whatever one thinks of the chicken waving, it seems that this Rebbe is doing good things with his life:

  3. 12:07
    You obviously didn't read the Shulchan Aruch, if you did you have seen that HE CALLS IT "Darkei Amoirie"
    also in the original version of the mechaber, it said that "doing kapporis was a minhag shtus" they took that out in the later editions..

  4. Liska tuches lekker prepares for YKSeptember 14, 2021 at 6:15 PM

    נישט גענוג אז ער חנפה'ט פארשיעדענע לאלייפס אין אמעריקא, יעצט גייט ער חנפה'נען פון די איבער די וועלט

  5. נתחיל במנהג הכפרות, הנהוג כיום בכל קהילות ישראל - כולל דעות ראשונים שהוא בכלל האיסור ללכת בדרכי האמורי', (הרמב"ן, למשל). השו"ע עצמו כתב שזה מנהג שטות ויש למונעו (מן הסתם מחשש דרכי האמורי, כנ"ל)

  6. Exposing the Liska sheigetz FriedlanderSeptember 14, 2021 at 10:32 PM

    This is the regime the Liska tuches lekker Friedlander is working for

    And he is busy chanfing the ambassador of such a regime right before Yom Kippur.

    Liska sheigetz arois.
