Sunday, September 26, 2021

In Yerushalyim Unvaxxed Chareidi Pregnant Women are Critically Ill With COVID, Sedated & Ventilated & Dying


By in large, the heimishe chareidie community in Israel believes that the entire Covid plague is a myth, even though, all they have to do is look out their windows and watch their neighbors taken in ambulances on daily basis. 

They disregard all regulations, make weddings with hundreds attending, claiming that the chilonim gather as well and no one says boo. But the Chilonim are not the ones filling the beds in the hospitals with corona its the chareidim. Chilonim by in large are fully vaccinated, while the charedim are anti-vaxxers .. they even disregard warnings from their own leaders and askanim..

Two Chareidi pregnant women, both in their 20s, are hospitalized in critical condition, sedated and ventilated, in a Jerusalem hospital after contracting COVID.

The women, both from the same neighborhood in Jerusalem, were unvaccinated.

Chaya Leah Bergman, a’h, 31, of Modiin Illit passed away of the coronavirus on Tuesday evening, Motzei Yom Tov, in Assaf HaRofeh Medical Center in Rishon L’Tzion.

Mrs. Bergman, who was unvaccinated, was evacuated to the hospital on Tuesday evening after her condition took a turn for the worse and she was struggling to breathe. She stopped breathing during the evacuation and the paramedics carried out resuscitation techniques which were continued at the hospital but unfortunately, the doctors were ultimately forced to declare her death.

“We’re using this opportunity to call again to the public to vaccinate and to prevent this type of tragedy,” a statement from the hospital said.

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