Saturday, August 28, 2021

Young Girl Burned By Shabbos Hot-Water Urn Three Weeks Ago, Is Niftar


Beilinson Hospital in Ashkelon announced that the seven-year-old Chareidi girl, Uriya Karni, who was seriously injured three weeks ago when a hot water urn spilled boiling water on her, was Niftar on Wednesday night.

Uriya A”H, was helping prepare her house in Ashkelon for Shabbos, when the urn spilled water all over her body. She suffered serious burns.

United Hatzalah volunteers rushed to her house and initiated emergency medical treatment. She was then rushed to the hospital in moderate condition.

Doctors spent the last three weeks fighting for her life. On Wednesday the fight was lost and young Uriyah was Niftar.

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